Vile: The 'If You Like Your Plan You Can Keep It' Ex-Prez Helps Dems Spread Another MASSIVE Lie

3 hours ago

Posted • October 19, 2024: A recent Trump town hall was interrupted for more than a half hour due to multiple medical emergencies in the audience: Former President Donald Trump's town hall in Oaks, Pennsylvania, on Monday evening was interrupted twice by medical emergencies in a very warm Greater Philadelphia Expo Center and Fairgrounds before he pivoted -- turning the concert into an impromptu concert where he stood on stage swaying to music for nearly 45 minutes. There was a medical emergency that required an attendee to be placed on a stretcher about 30 minutes into the event. As the crowd started singing "God Bless America," Trump requested that "Ave Maria" be played on the loudspeakers as medics tended to the man. Democrat desperation has caused them to start claiming Trump waiting for medical personnel to do their jobs and help the audience members was an extended mental lapse on the part of the Republican nominee. Even Barack Obama got in on that total load of BS:

President Obama: “Have you seen Trump lately? He held a town hall where he stopped taking questions and just swayed to Ave Maria and YMCA for half an hour. You would be worried if your grandpa was acting like this. We don’t need to see what an older, crazier Donald Trump looks like with no guardrails. We’ve had enough arrogance and bumbling and bluster and division. America is ready to turn the page.” -- Another day brought with it another shameless lie from Obama. The party concerned with misinformation and cheap fakes about Biden’s cognitive ability continues to spread an actual lie about their political opponent. He stopped taking questions because an audience member was having a medical emergency. This is easily verifiable. I get that everyone wants to take their shots. But continuing to lie about this when the actual reason was two people having medical emergencies is pretty disgusting. Just because a Dem lie has been debunked doesn't mean they'll stop repeating it.

Lies at this point are all they have. This lie has been debunked by multiple outlets. Trump was allowing medical staff to tend to multiple medical emergencies. The fact that they've weaponized this is disgusting.

Here are the facts:

THE LIE: Trump was lost, confused, and frozen on stage as the event ends early.

THE TRUTH: KamalaHQ desperately edited this video in an attempt to slander Trump.

The Kamala campaign is releasing a coordinated smear campaign with edited videos as Harris slumps in the polls.

Here are the facts:

- There were two medical emergencies that occurred during the town hall.

- Trump’s pauses come from him seeing if a doctor or a medic was administering to the issue.

- This has been confirmed by multiple outlets.

Here is what Axios reports: “Trump was holding the town hall at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center and Fairgrounds in Oaks, Pa., with South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem when the first medical incident occurred about 30 minutes into the event. The Republican presidential nominee asked for "Ave Maria" to be played following the first incident at the exhibition center after calling for a doctor, and an instrumental version of the song was played. After the second disruption, Trump joked "would anybody else like to faint?" before requesting "Ave Maria" again and saying he wished someone could open the doors.” -- As usual, Democrat accusations that the Right engages in "misinformation" and "cheap fakes" are 100 percent pure projection. Hearing Barack Obama preach against divisiveness is also rich. (…)

• More at: Twitchy -
Disgusting: The 'If You Like Your Plan You Can Keep It' Ex-Prez Helps Dems Spread Another MASSIVE Lie
Twitchy: No Longer the Hope and Change Guy, Barack Obama Has Moved onto Lies and Manipulation

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