Barack Obama's Tranny Nanny

4 months ago

Barack Hussein Obama

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild, his mother, Klara Pölzi was an Austrian Maid who worked and lived in the Austrian home of Salomon Meyer Freihart Von Rothschild, a prominent Austrian Banker whom she fell pregnant to. Wikipedia, a renowned deep-state source of info gives the year of death of Salomon Mayer Von Rothschild as being 1855, and the birth year of Klara Pölzi as 1860 so making it impossible for her to become pregnant by this man. However, the dates may of course have possibly been tampered with, but this is a grey area that needs clarification. Another source states that Klara was the daughter of Solomon Meyer Freihart von Rothschild and his wife Anna Maria Schicklgruber; this appears to be the truth. Nevertheless, Klara Pölzi returned to Germany and married Alois Schicklgruber who later changed his name to Alois Hitler and Klara gave birth to a boy, Adolf Hitler.

It was Adolf Hitler’s Butler who was found dead in the Berlin bunker, whilst Adolf Hitler escaped Germany and fled to Argentina via Barcelona along with Eva Braun, where Adolf Hitler later died in a car accident in 1957 at the age of 68 (another article stated he died in 1958); Angela Merkel was born in 1954 and there is at least one photo with a young Merkel of such an age stood next to Adolf Hitler. After the death of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun changed her name to Madelyn Lee Payne and went to live in the USA where she later re-married to a man called Stanley Dunham, a CIA agent; Eva changing her name again to Madelyn Dunham. The couple were seen standing very close to the black Cadillac seconds before the fatal assassination of JFK.

Another source shows a family tree whereby Adolf Hitler and Angela Maria “Geli” Raubal, produced a daughter, Herlind in 1928, who later married her husband Horst Kasner and they both produced a daughter called Angela Merkel, her original name being Angela Dorothea Kasner. It is important to understand that we researchers have limited scraps of information and it takes a long time to put together, especially when the deep-state manipulated wikipedia omits key information in order to prevent links being discovered.

Ann was reported as being Eva’s adopted daughter, Wikipedia stating that Ann was born in Witchita, Kansas in November 1942, although another report claimed that Ann was the offspring of a fling between Adolf Hitler and his housemaid in Argentina. Once again, some clarification is needed here. Ann later changed her name to Stanley Ann Dunham; she was 19 years old when she became pregnant by a Kenyan named Barack Obama. Stanley Ann Dunham moved to Kenya where she gave birth to their Son, Barry. She split with her Kenyan husband after discovering he was already married, and returned to the USA where she married Lolo Soetoro and changed her name once again to Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro; Barry was by then 9 years old. Ann Soetoro later gave birth to her second child, a girl, Maya Soetoro. Barry was renamed Barry Soetoro, but his biological father had the surname Obama. Barry later took the same name as his biological father, Barack Obama

Barack Obama, is a Rothschild, real name being Barry Soetoro, prior to that Barry Dunham/Obama, and is Hitler’s grandson, on his mother’s side. Obama’s step-father Lolo Soetoro was a Subub Cult Leader. As Angela Merkel is Hitler’s granddaughter that makes Merkel, Obama’s wonder Merkel was over-friendly to him in candid moments, at least one being caught on photo.

The Three Ugly Sisters - Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Dalia Grybauskaitė are apparently all Sisters, and the daughters of Adolf Hitler.

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