EXPOSING Antarctica's SECRET Earthquake Generating Military Base | Redacted

3 hours ago

Redacted News with Clayton Morris: He's EXPOSING the truth of Antarctica's SECRET Earthquake Generating Military Base | Clayton Morris of Redacted interviews Eric Hecker, former Raytheon employee, who actually worked at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica and personally witnessed direct energy technology - the IceCube Neutrino Detector - at the observatory in action. Interestingly, Mr. Hecker describes this system, categorized as an Unacknowledged Special Access Program, as exponentially more powerful than the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) systems (i.e., Ionosphere heaters) stationed around the globe. The bottom line: these direct energy systems can, and do, cause earthquake inductions as well as other weather-manipulated occurrences. Morris and Hecker speculate that a global false flag operation is likely in the works which will create a catastrophic event, thus paving the way for the implementation of a US Continuity of Government situation where the US Constitution will be sidelined. You be the judge....

A few extra notes:

- Mr. Hecker has testified, and is on record, before the US Senate Intelligence Committee which only adds to his legitimacy and credibility.

- Nikola Tesla is credited with developing electricity technologies over wireless transmission over 100 years ago. Tesla died under mysterious circumstances, and his records on this technology, inexplicably, disappeared.

- Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austro-American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, and inventor (1897-1957) based in Western Maine at his property called Orgonon, in Rangeley, pioneered weather manipulation in the 1950s by directing energy into the ionosphere using a prototype system he developed called the "Cloudbuster" (pictured below). History notes that Reich's Cloudbuster made it rain in the Arizona desert on a cloudless day and during a severe drought in Maine which was decimating blueberry crops. Interestingly, Maine octogenarians can still recall the event and its miraculous results. Additionally, similar to Tesla, Reich was arrested and incarcerated by the federal government and died in a penitentiary shortly thereafter. His research was reportedly destroyed by the government. Here's a 30 minute documentary on Wilhelm Reich titled "Man's Right to Know - Wilhelm Reich Story" on Youtube that you can cut and paste into your browser if you're interested. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCE0OgolJEs)

- Bangor Daily News on 24 July 1953: “Dr. Reich and three assistants set up their ‘rain-making’ device off the shores of Grand Lake, near Bangor hydro-electric dam, at 10:30 on Monday morning 6 July. The device, a set of hollow tubes, suspended over a small cylinder, connected by a cable, conducted a ‘drawing’ operation for about an hour and ten minutes…. “According to a reliable source in Ellsworth, the following climactic changes took place in that city on the night of 6 July and the early morning of 7 July: ‘Rain began to fall shortly after ten o’clock Monday evening, first as a drizzle and then by midnight as a gentle, steady rain. Rain continued throughout the night, and a rainfall of 0.24 inches was recorded in Ellsworth the following morning. A puzzled witness to the ‘rain-making’ process said: ‘The queerest looking clouds you ever saw began to form soon after they got the thing rolling.’ And later the same witness and the scientists were able to change the course of the wind by manipulation of the device.” Hit the external link for a 10 minute video recreation of the event.

- Wilhelm Reich Museum: https://wilhelmreichmuseum.org/?v=07454afd9177

Finally, Our Country Our Choice has a section on their website chock full of information on weather manipulation (https://noglobalism.com/weather/) as well as a host of other critically important topics and information. I highly encourage you to visit their site. (OurCountryOurChoice.com).

Knowledge is power. Enjoy....

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