Obstacle-fog impact – COPERNICAN ABSURDITY (I think approx is OK due lin speed is HUGE whatever!!!)

4 months ago

Mountain deformation influence on Copernican „geography”, 2nd part. An another, top view from Blender 2.79 simulation. It shows general principle of cloud/fog and Earth crust motion relation. YOU THOUGHT CLOUDS MOVES „AUTOMAGICALLY” WITH(==)ALONG... ROTATING... BALL SURFACE!!! WHAT MECHANICS WOULD KEEP THEM??? Motion picture shows that even simple obstacles (mountains, terrain lows, even... mere trees), while «rotation» (they liars „know” spin term, exploiting A LIE AS f....ing NLP stuff in DISorder to fake-cosmos RELIGION of big-bang theory and...), causes fog to DEFORM. Main principle here is, AGAIN, proving method of reduction to #absurd logic style.
#pov #animation #sims #physics #blender #spin #classic #galileo #newton #relativity #relativityspace #cloudcomputing #beaufort #wind #air
#airforce #mechanics #modeling #3dmodeling #super #smoke #domain
#rendering #renderings #copernicus

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