About Us - Growing in Your Spirit Life

4 months ago

Learn more about Dr. Patty Sadallah and Dr. Michelle Kirby who cohost Growing in Your Spirit Life. They share other ministries they do together as well as those they do individually.

Most importantly, is both Patty and Michelle have met the real Jesus and help others to experience Him more fully. They are passionate about growing the body of Christ to their full awareness of who they are and to move in their God assignments, purpose, and callings.

Connect with Dr. Patty at pattysadallah.com
Patty leads Spirit Life Workshops and hosts an online version where she fosters equipping and empowering Christ followers into true discipleship. Follow her popular podcast, Experience Jesus, and her YouTube Channel, Then Jesus Showed Up. All of her links are found at

Dr. Michelle Kirby hosts an exciting online entrepreneur site called Kingdom Marketplace. Vendors may register and build their store for no monthly membership for their first nine months with only a 2.99% commission for sales. Michelle is passionate about helping build Kingdom businesses. She is also a podcaster promotion wellness in body, soul, and spirit. Her posts are on her website, YouTube, Rumble, and streamed as "Streams of Faith, Hope, and Love" on most audio podcast sites. Find all of her links and information on her website at:

Tune in to Patty and Michelle every Saturday at 11:30AM, EST on The Now Network.

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