Doctors Kill Over a Million People A Year - -The Problem is that they go to Medical School

22 hours ago

“The Problem with Doctors is that they go to Medical School. 85% of what they are taught is Unscientific Nonsense and then they are cut loose on the general public to practice unscientific nonsense.”

The medicine we have now is so far behind the true science that it is impossible to bring it up to date.

This is exactly why I believe Big Pharma will fall to its knees within the next 15 years. I seriously believe this as more and more wake up and discover the technologies available for healing and realizing putting toxins in your body is the stupidest thing that humanity ever consented to.

The Rockefeller’s are the ones who inverted all of this and labeled the Naturopath’s Quacks and went to the petroleum based drugs, which are poisonous to the body.

As this guy says – “when did we ever get the idea that giving a sick person poison is good for them.”

It is all about money, making us less functional, making sure we don’t live long & healthy, to decrease fertility and to slowly kill the population.

According to John Hopkins, medical intervention is the third leading cause of death in the United States. It may be higher because Hopkins is Cabal controlled from the very top and they monitor what is released to the public.

That is today’s “Health Care.”

Are you still “Trusting the Science?”

Sources: beylife79 & coreneurohealth --


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END. 10/23/2024 – 3:00 PM

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