225 lb Weight Loss: Carnivore Saved My Life

4 months ago

In this video, I share my journey from being bedridden at 715 pounds to transforming my health and life with the carnivore diet. After battling congestive heart failure, lymphedema, insulin resistance, and lifelong struggles with obesity, I found hope in going from keto to full carnivore. Since last year, I’ve lost over 225 pounds, kicked my sugar addiction, and reversed many of my health issues. This is the first time in my life I’m confident that I’ve beaten my weight for good. Join me as I share what worked, what didn’t, and why the carnivore diet has been a total game-changer for me.

You can follow me:

* YouTube: @TheCarnivoreCure
* TikTok: @thecarnivorecure
* Instagram: @thecarnivorecure
* X: @carnivorecure

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