Article 5070 Video - International Public Notice: Illegal Occupation By Anna Von Reitz

4 months ago

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Article 5070 Video - International Public Notice: Illegal Occupation - Friday, October 18, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

This country has been illegally occupied by mercenary forces and has been under martial law since 1863.

Okay, everyone got that?

The former British Commonwealth has been under similar occupation since the 1910's.

Clock that.

The seventeen countries of Western Europe and Japan, which were all occupied by Allied Forces during World War II, are still occupied and still under martial law.


Everyone up to speed so far?

Every country that has been attacked and over-run by "United States Forces" of any kind in the years from 1860 to now, has been and still is illegally occupied by those mercenary forces. Iraq and Libya are just two more recent examples.

This is how and why Americans have had to bear the brunt of supporting and paying for the defense of all these other countries. This is why we have had to pay the cost of over 950 military bases scattered all over the globe.

This is why we have been oppressed and "disciplined" and kept from enjoying the freedoms that we are guaranteed under the service contracts of these yahoos, who have picked our pockets for their wages, and purloined our assets as collateral backing their wild spending and to finance their opportunistic wars for profit.

These are the facts, Ma'am.

And even though these are private mercenary forces engaged in illegal activities, they have pretended to be our lawful and legitimate national military.

They have used and abused our Title IV wartime flag continuously from 1860 to today, even though our country has not once declared war in that entire span of history.

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