TschugaPum's Garden Party Classroom: OCCUPATION OBFUSCATION: The Lengthy History of Israel's Land!

4 months ago

The Land Covenant, Israel, Archaeology,, Synagogues in Gaza, Barbary Coast Pirates, Jefferson's Koran, Madison, Land Deeds, Tribal Division, Ur of the Chaldeans, Canaanites, Philistines, Rome, Masada, Josephus Flavius

Far too many belief or want us to believe that Israel just recently became an occupier of their land, instead of acknowledging their long, rich history in the land. God named it Israel and gave them the land forever. Israel fought for it, paid for it, hold the deeds to it, and lived and flourished in it for thousands of years before Mohammad ever was. Fighting against these truths is dishonest and somewhat evil.

Obfuscation is the act of obscuring or muddying the truth. Occupiers of a land are not the indigenous to the land, as Israel is, but are those who are never happy with the portions shared with them, always pushing for more.

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