Idaho Shot by a Deputy Following a Pursuit...

3 months ago

The incident began at approximately 3:30am that morning and involved a vehicle driven by 30-year-old Joshua Ramirez of Idaho Falls. Ramirez was observed by Dep. Ian McMurtrey crossing the center line on N. Woodruff Ave. near 12th St. almost striking the Deputy’s vehicle.

Deputy McMurtrey turned around and initiated an attempt at a traffic stop on Ramirez’s vehicle, who continued to drive northbound weaving across lanes and failing to pull over. After traveling just over a mile, Dep. McMurtrey was able to utilize a Pursuit Immobilization Technique (P.I.T.) to stop the vehicle’s movement. Deputies Zach Skidmore and Jed Judy responded to the area to assist and were with Dep. McMurtrey when Ramirez’s vehicle was stopped.

After the vehicle was stopped, Ramirez made several movements back and forth pointing his fingers at Deputies and trying to re-start the vehicle. During that time Deputies gave multiple verbal commands to Ramirez to stop moving and to put his hands up which he did not do. As Deputy McMurtrey moved in closer to the passenger door attempting to gain entry, Ramirez lunged toward him over the passenger seat causing McMurtrey to retreat and Dep. Skidmore to discharge his weapon hitting him multiple times.

Deputies pulled Ramirez from the vehicle and began medical aid with the assistance of arriving area officers until Idaho Falls Ambulance arrived and took over. Ramirez was transported to the hospital where he later died from his injuries.

After Prosecutor Neal reviewed the scene, all available video evidence, interviews of law enforcement, family members, other witnesses, toxicology, medical reports and all other evidence collected by the task force, he completed a complex legal review of the incident, determining no criminal charges will be filed against Deputy Skidmore.

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