Adrenochrome, a brief introduction

4 months ago

Adrenochrome, a brief introduction.
on October 18th, 2024.
Adrenochrome explained basically in 20 minutes. Ruling caste and royal caste are vampires and predators. That is the real reason for the war and trafficking. Child trafficking is the number 1 issue on Earth and anyone telling you otherwise is in on it or ignorant. All wars and disasters = child trafficking covers. Militaries are lily pads to traffic drugs, weapons and humans. Militaries are controlled by dragons and satanic vampire elite. Victims are trafficked for dragons and vampire elites. Orgy culture is for babies to sacrifice. Human elite slaves mimic vampires and are bewitched and bedeviled cannibals. The real Illuminati are non human. Money = Sacrifice = Buying Time = Time Line Control.
UTL COMMENT:- Talk about lunatics in charge of the asylum on steroids. The pit of evil, these soulless creatures are brain crippled by their own feeling of not being human, they lack proper human feeling of empathy for another human being, they are so trapped inside themselves they hate to see normal human beings happy or contented with their lives, they also know that humans are not perfect by nature too, so they form this secret cult praying on the greed and ambitious lusting bought souls who become their puppets, blackmailing, murder, pedophile, SRA monsters all part of their little secret game to continue doing the devil's work. Unfortunately these toxic demons seem to be at the top of the ladder of our establishments weaving their evil web everywhere they can, unfortunately for them now is our world people are waking up by the day and won't rest until these toxic waste creatures are removed forever.

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