How the West is Laundering Lies Through "Experts" to Target Gaza

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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- An "expert" from a US government and arms industry-funded think tank (ASPI) has been used to lend credibility to Israel's denial of striking the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza;

- the "open source" analysis attempted to estimate the number of people who could have fit into the area where there is visible fire damage;

- in reality, blasts from rockets, missiles, and artillery shells cause fragmentation and shrapnel traveling far beyond the blast and capable of causing lethal injuries;

- a hand grenade has a comparable death radius to that laid out in this analysis;

- a hand grenades casualty radius is even larger;

- a rocket or missile would have surely killed far more people in a much wider radius than claimed by this analysis;

- the density of civilians surrounding the hospital is also questioned in the analysis, however footage is easily obtainable from Gaza of similar densities specifically at hospitals;

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