Ask Better Questions, Have Better Conversations

4 months ago

I'm back with another faith-focused conversation that I think you'll really enjoy. Today's chat is with Mandy Pallock, a creative communicator who is passionate about using questions to build resilient relationships. In this interview, Mandy shares vulnerably about her journey from hating talking to people to discovering the beauty of curious questions. I think you'll be encouraged by her practical tips for overcoming awkwardness and asking great questions in your daily life. We cover a lot of ground, from modeling curiosity for our kids to living purposefully, even in mundane moments like waiting in line. Mandy has some fantastic thoughts on seeing people through Jesus' redemptive eyes, instead of attacking issues and people. I'd love to hear your takeaways in the comments! And if you want to dive deeper into Mandy's message, check out her new book The Question Habit, along with her podcast Presently Engaged.

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00:00:00 - Want to Start a Podcast?

00:01:03 - Introduction to Mandy Pallock

00:02:39 - Embracing Podcasting as an Effective Tool

00:05:50 - Challenging Cultural Christianity

00:10:23 - Embracing Curiosity and Creativity

00:15:09 - The Power of Prayer in Managing Emotions

00:16:20 - The "Include Me Prayer" and Being Open to God's Work

00:17:22 - Overcoming Fear of Asking Important Questions

00:22:31 - Living with Purpose and Impacting Others

00:25:38 - Finding Purpose in Everyday Moments

00:30:36 - Making the Best Use of Time

00:31:29 - The Power of Asking Questions

00:32:06 - Finding Purpose in Daily Life

00:33:15 - Mandy's Book and Resources

00:34:36 - Conclusion and Next Steps

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