B562 – Oct 13, 2024 Battling Confusion D

4 months ago

All Bible teaching that is not based solely upon the Word of God will create questions and confusion in the life of the person who follows it. Yehovah is NOT the author of confusion or fear and if your walk with God has any confusion, or unanswered questions, it is a sign that your theology may be coming from men and not from God’s Word.

In this fourth part to our Bible Confusion series, we remind ourselves that Yehovah is an unchanging God and that His Word does not change, or get updated for modern times. Yehovah set forth the plan of redemption for His creation before the foundations of the world were formed and that plan has not changed, or been revised. God’s Plans never fail and He always wins.

Yehovah is an unmovable rock that does not move or change to the will, or the performance of mankind. God has never changed His Plan, or His mind, when dealing with people. Some would have you to believe that when the Bible mentions God relenting, that somehow that is a change of plans for Yehovah, but that is never true.

We are invited to join God’s family and live lives that bring Him worship and glory. The plan is never about us, but solely about what the Holy Spirit will do in our lives if we are willing to accept His Plan for our life.

Trust in Yehovah with all of your heart and do not trust in your own abilities. Cry out to Yeshua and accept His free gift of redemption for your life and be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yehovah. Trust in the Plan that will never fail!

PDF Outline for V562: http://gofile.me/5EF9u/yYGATyt3f (BFGC)

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