Dershowitz wants to financially destroy all anti-Semites make them homeless.

9 days ago

I thought this was a f***ing joke. But it's not. Unbelievable. I showed my 78yo mom and she said this is America. We live in America not a Communist country. We can dislike anyone we want. We have the freedom to feel however we want about a person, place, or thing.

His true colors are showing and they're Commie red. He can say whatever offensive thing he wants to say but we are not allowed to react to his obscene sensitivities. Can I start suing every person who offends me? Or hurt my feelings? Because that's what this ahole is asserting here.

And lastly they are not even Semites.

And they have everyone afraid of Islamic sharia law.

I added the commentary to this video.

AND FURTHERMORE, the Rabbi in another previous video I shared said all of us non-Jewish goyim are antisemitic for just existing because we don't like that they are the "chosen people".

So are you going to sue all goyims? Or only the people that are not part of your cult?

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