Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom Oct 18 - Taking on the Town

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Woman Battles Town to Stop Smart Meter!

Jaime’s battle began in 2023 when the Town of Kingsville sent out a notice informing the community the Town is moving from the existing water meters to Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) SMART technology meters. There was no prior notice shared to the residents and therefore no proper consultation.

Jaime’s been diagnosed with lesions on her brain through an MRI scan and suffers severe migraines, dizziness, tingling and burning sensations when she is exposed to EMF technology. She has shared this diagnosis and a doctor’s note that expressly states Jaime is to avoid SMART technology yet the city employees involved in this case have disregarded her condition and the medical note. In doing so, the staff involved have contravened the Regulated Health Professions Act and this carries a hefty penalty.

On Oct 10th, city workers appeared at her house unannounced. She was prepared and had placed the “No trespass” signs on her property and she exercised her right as the owner/occupier of her property and with the assistance of the police the workers left.

Now Jaime is taking the Town to court! Join us to tonight to hear her story!

Links from the Zoom:
- Link to No Trespass sign:
- Neptune Technology Group;
- Municipal Act;
- EMF Help Center - Smart Meter;
- Book; lady
- Canadians 4 Safety;

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