Rick Recounts 2012 Claim that Iran Possesses Ancient Source for Directed Energy Weapons

4 months ago

Recently, Brigadier General Ebrahim Rostami of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claimed that Iran possesses a secret weapon more powerful than nuclear arms and reaffirmed the country's readiness to strike Israel's Dimona nuclear reactor. He hinted at highly classified weapons, unknown even to some Iranian officials, and warned of a “big surprise” for Israel that would be revealed at the “zero hour.”

This echoes a 2012 interview Rick Wiles did with an anonymous man using the pen name VS Marlow, who claimed to be a former high-level U.S. State Department diplomat. Marlow spoke of a mysterious manuscript given to him in the Middle East about an ancient treasure, an energy-rich ruby in Iran, believed to be a key to a weapon more powerful than nuclear warheads. According to this account, Israel's desire for war with Iran was linked to seizing this ruby. After the war, a charismatic Islamic leader would allegedly emerge, aiming to unite world religions and bring peace. While Marlow's story was viewed skeptically, the recent developments with Iran have revived interest in such theories.

Rick Wiles, V.S. Marlow. Airdate 10/18/2024

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