Dr. Marty Makary exposed low fat diet scam

4 months ago

"The natural fat causes heart disease, what we call saturated fat causes heart disease, was put out by a politician scientist named Ansel Keys in the 1960s after Eisenhower had his heart attack. And he said, oh, it was because he ate too much fat. And they put him on this low fat, low cholesterol diet. One of the great ironies of cholesterol, by the way, in the diet is you don't even absorb it. The cholesterol in food goes right through your system, 90% of it, because it's esterified, which means it's bound to a bulky side chain. You can't absorb it. 99% of your cholesterol in your body, which is in every cell, is made by your body. It's not from dietary sources.
So that was the great, that's the great irony of the low cholesterol diet. I mean, misinformation you might say. The government joined in on this low fat bandwagon. So Ansel Keys had convinced a bunch of folks at the American Heart Association, you gotta go with the low fat diet. They started licensing out their little healthy heart to every family restaurant in America, made millions selling cookbooks and low fat, low cholesterol cookbooks. Turns out it was a house of cards.
They did three giant studies in the last 60 years to try and prove that saturated fat causes heart disease. All three failed to show that, including some of the biggest studies ever done in medicine. The colleagues of Ansel Keys, the University of Minnesota, did something called the Minnesota Heart Study. It was a randomized controlled trial of 9,000 people and followed them for a long time. Started in the late 60s, 70s. More heart attacks in the low fat group. Wow. Now, why is that?
They're eating more refined carbohydrates most likely. It's the added sugar and refined carbohydrates, an ultra-processed nonsense that's engineered that is causing inflammation. The body's reacting to it with an inflammatory reaction. It doesn't know what to do with it. It's reacting, and guess what heart disease? It's inflammation of the coronary artery wall that enables the dense and small lipoproteins to deposit. They got it perfectly backwards.
And it's still out there today. I was at a cafe this week and it's low fat, egg white only. What are we doing? In schools, we got low fat, you know, fooling ourselves into thinking. So we have got, what we don't do well in medicine is show humility. I'm not talking about everyday docs. I'm talking about the establishment. When you get something tragically wrong, when you put something out there that's your opinion with such absolutism that everybody must do something and the data shows you're totally wrong. How about a reckoning? How about apologizing with the same vigor by which you insisted..."

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