Ruger 10/22: Simple mods for better accuracy

4 months ago

Getting better accuracy out of your Ruger 10/22 doesn't have to be complicated. Quality ammo, a good stock, and taking care of a few important areas can make all of the difference in the world. Knowing where to look to get that better accuracy out of your 10/22 is the key. There is a previous video that I did that you should look at called Ruger 10/22 Basic Necessary Upgrades. Its a good start. In this video, I go over some more mods to get better accuracy out of your Ruger 10/22. All of this can be done by hand and with simple tools.

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***Time Stamps***
00:00 Intro
01:34 Attempt to remove burrs from chambering
02:39 Chamber results and effects on accuracy
04:38 Ruger 10/22 Bolt radius modification
05:43 Ruger 10/22 Bolt bearing surface polish
06:13 Ruger 10/22 Bolt Face truing and headspace check
08:06 Ruger 10/22 firing pin reliability improvement
09:13 Ruger 10/22 extractor polish
09:45 Ruger 10/22 hammer and sear polish
11:10 Ruger 10/22 bolt release mod
12:12 Ruger 10/22 receiver cleanup
12:57 Ruger 10/22 Range Results- Zero check with no wind
14:06 Ruger 10/22 Action screw torque 20 in/lb test results
14:20 Ruger 10/22 Action screw torque tests from 10 to 35 in/lbs
15:04 Final thoughts and conclusions

***End ***

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