American Christianity and TRUMP (Trumpianity)

3 months ago

“He makes the nations great, then destroys them; He enlarges the nations, then leads them away." (Job 12:23, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12)
Spiritual Deception is more subtle, wily and widespread than most people realise, affecting christianity too. . . . I see things different to regular christians: 30 years in the new age and neo-vedantism enabled a wider perspective.

As a new ager I thought christianity a complete deception and I still see deception in a lotta presumed christianity; but I also see the veracity of authentic christianity as inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT.

I'm sad to say that christianity is as fractured and infiltrated by Satan as anything in our fallen world: As ever it's PEOPLE what are the problem.

I have strong spiritual repulsion to all the christians and Pastors endorsing Donald Trump. It's unbelievable. . . . They're quite delusional and bigoted about the man. Americans are becoming ever more demented by their politics and Trump MANIA is especially EGREGIOUS.

It says it all that Trump is intimately mixed up in the hyper-delusive conspiracy movement and QAnon. . . . Conspiracy land is rife with twisted logic, fake news dressed as truth and truth mixed with LIES.

Trump's part of the problem NOT the solution: part of the FAKE esoteric/satanic BATTLE of light and dark playing out before the world's myopic eyes. Leading new agers, pagans and mystics are blithely unaware they're imperilling vast multitudes of souls with their peculiar brands of psuedo-spirituality and psychobabble. To my renewed mind the air of self-sanctimony is cloying and utterly absurd: just a lotta pretentious people regaling everyone with their demented DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR.

Christians are no better: they're some of the WORST offenders. As a new ager 'twas the self-righteousness of new agers which (eventually) put me right off and, unfortunately, I'm the same about many christians. As a surprised convert to the true faith I see the same forces at work in christianity as the new age. . . . It’s been subtly invaded by paganism, mysticism and new age philosophy. P R I D E and SELF-LOVE are highly prevalent. . .

There's plenty of mental illness on display and too many bring their hang ups, grudges and narcissism into the faith. "Mahatma" Gandhi said this: "I'd be a christian if it were not for the christians!" AND: "I like your Christ, I do not like your christians. Your christians are so unlike your Christ." With implicit hindu bias Gandhi failed to realise who Jesus REALLY IS yet - for the most part - I have to agree with the sentiments 'cos (to be honest) I don't like a lotta christians. I LOVE some of 'em but I completely understand why some folks leave the faith. Christians can be a real TURN OFF.

I can't stand American Trumpian christians in particular; they so easily fall back into patriotism. It's BRAINWASHED into 'em from childhood. Droves of professed christians proffer wild speculation and no little perversion - popular youtubers being a case in point: many (not all) exude a slimy me, me, me evangelism twisting scripture to conform to their limited vision and obvious greed for money. More is never enough.

They make a lotta dough from youtube ministry. Their rummaging snouts are deep in the world's stinking money trough raking in $$$$ prophesying, sensationalising and their many supporters can't see past their own noses. It's wrongheaded and plum crazy: a right mind elicits IRE not love. I'd be exceedingly VEXED if I didn't know it's all coming to a GODhead.

I'm sure a lotta popular preachers are anointed by Spirit but oftentimes it ain't driving the vehicle: Spirit so often takes a back seat to the blight of Self-Righteousness. The great danger of christian ministry and pastorship is that WE take over: WE make our will substitute for God's Will and mistake OUR plans for God's Plans. SADLY there's way too much of that in modern christianity.

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