DAC: The Truth About Racial Politics Wake Up Before It’s Too Late

1 day ago

Welcome back to another episode of Da Urban Conservative, where we cut through the noise to bring you the truth that mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear. Today, we’re diving deep into a conversation that’s been happening in the backrooms of Black America for years but rarely gets aired out in public. Let me tell you straight up, family, racial politics is the reason Trump is poised to win again, and Kamala Harris is set to lose. But it goes deeper than just a battle at the ballot box—it’s about how we’ve been manipulated into seeing politics as a race war when in reality, it’s a class war disguised in Black and white.
Look, I know it’s easy to get caught up in the optics. A lot of folks thought having Kamala Harris, a Black woman, as VP was a sign of progress. And on the surface, it looks like a victory. But I have to ask you—how many times do we need to see this play out before we wake up? How many times do we need to be sold hope by people who look like us but act like them?
Because let’s be real, all skinfolk ain’t kinfolk. That might sting for some of y’all to hear, but it’s the truth. Not everyone who shares our skin color shares our struggle. Some of them are more invested in maintaining the status quo than actually uplifting our communities. They’ll smile in your face, throw on Kente cloth for the cameras, but when it comes time to make moves that actually benefit Black people? Silence. Worse yet, they’ll side with those who want to see us fail.
Take a look at history. We’ve seen this before. Black leaders who rise to prominence, backed by white dollars, preaching change but delivering more of the same. It’s time we recognize that not everyone with our skin has our back. We gotta stop being fooled by the packaging and start paying attention to the product.
Trump, for all his faults—and let’s be clear, there are many—has figured out one thing: racial politics, as it’s played today, distracts us from the real issues. He doesn’t just play to white America; he speaks directly to those who feel forgotten, and unfortunately, some of them are us. He taps into that frustration, that anger, that hopelessness that a lot of Black folks feel, even if we don’t want to admit it. He exploits it, yes—but we have to ask ourselves, why is that frustration there in the first place?
It’s there because we’ve been sold a dream that doesn’t include us. We’ve been given symbolic victories but no tangible results. Kamala Harris is a perfect example of that. She stands up there as a “first,” but what has changed for us, really? Are our schools better? Are our neighborhoods safer? Do we have more jobs, more access to healthcare, more opportunities? Or are we still struggling, still dying in the streets, still waiting for the promises made to our ancestors to finally come true?
And let’s talk about the promises made to our ancestors, because this ties into something even deeper. The legacy of exploitation runs through the heart of America. It’s not just about Black vs. white; it’s about rich vs. poor. The powers that be want to keep us divided because they know that if we ever unite—across racial, economic, and social lines—they lose. That’s why they keep pushing candidates like Harris, who give us the illusion of progress without actually disrupting the system.
Family, it’s time to stop being pawns in someone else’s game. We’ve been handed two choices, and neither one truly represents us. But that doesn’t mean we give up or sit this one out. What it means is we get smart. We start looking beyond the surface, beyond the headlines and the photo ops. We start holding people accountable—regardless of their skin color. And most importantly, we start building power within our own communities so that we aren’t reliant on politicians to save us.
We need to wake up. Stop buying into this false narrative that our only options are candidates who use our pain for their political gain. Start demanding more—more from ourselves, more from each other, and definitely more from the people who want our votes.
So, I’m calling on y’all to think critically. Trump? Harris? It’s two sides of the same coin. Neither one is here to truly liberate us, but they’ll sure as hell sell you the idea that they are. Don’t get caught up in the hype, family. Understand that true freedom comes from building our own power, from rejecting the politics of symbolism, and from recognizing that not everyone with our skin is on our team.
Until next time, stay woke, stay conscious, and most of all—stay ready. Because the game they’re playing with our lives is serious, and the stakes have never been higher.
This is Da Urban Conservative, signing out.

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