1911 Project: Fitting NEW parts to the frame

4 months ago

Installing your new parts into your 1911 frame is one of the most rewarding aspects of tinkering. Afterall, you get to hold that frame in your hand and it starts to come alive! Very exciting stuff. However, there are aspects for fitting new parts to the 1911 frame that can be tedious and time consuming. But well worth it!

***Time Stamps***
00:00 Stupid Intro
02:00 Atlas Trigger install and fitting
07:25 Wilson Combat Tactical BP Mag Release, EGW Mag Catch Lock
08:49 1911 Mag Release Trouble Shooting
10:40 EGW 1911 Ignition Kit
11:32 Hammer Assembly, EGW Hammer Strut Titanium
13:06 EGW Mainspring Cap Titanium, EGW Mainspring Housing 20 LPI
16:50 Wilson Combat Tactical Lever Bullet Proof Thumb Safety Install
17:53 EGW Plunger Tube Assembly
25:51 Adding Grips and First Look at completed 1911 Frame

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