Biblical Roadmap to Restore America

9 hours ago

To restore America should we use the same biblical principles used to shape the Declaration of Independence?
Americans are asking, “How did we get here?” and “How do we restore Liberty and Justice for all?” To answer these questions, we must revisit our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, to understand what defines us as Americans and why the founding generation was successful in starting a new nation.

While political historians typically highlight key events and quotes from the founding era to establish key founding principles, this lecture Mark Burrel takes a different approach. He begins by examining biblical principles that outline what God desires for nations, including the blueprint for starting and governing a nation justly. Mark will show how the founders used this biblical template to establish America’s national covenant through the Declaration of Independence. This adherence to biblical principles was the key that enabled them to successfully separate from England and create a just and prosperous society, which their writings and speeches affirm.

Mark will also explain how America was “conceived in liberty”, as noted by Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address, protecting both religious and civil liberties while allowing everyone to go on their own personal faith journey. Lastly, he will present a biblical roadmap for restoring America to its founding values.


Suzy Connaughton discusses her book “Like Swans” — a gripping true story of love, courage, and sacrifice set against the backdrop of communist Czechoslovakia. When Vera’s husband, Theodor, dreams of a life of freedom, he urges her to be brave and embrace change. But fear of the unknown holds Vera back, until an unexpected betrayal forces her to make a life-altering decision.

As their marriage is put to the ultimate test, the stakes are high and the consequences will affect everyone they love, especially their daughter, Zuzana. Can their love withstand the dangers of standing up against the oppressive regime? Just like the swans on the Vltava River, Theodor believes their love is eternal and their loyalty unbreakable. But in a world where trust is a dangerous currency, can they truly rely on each other?

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