The Sovereignty Summit 4

3 months ago

An Update on the Globalists’ World Government Agenda; Why and How it Must be Resisted

As you know, the UN Summit of the Future last month produced, as expected, a deeply problematic “Pact for the Future.” This accord explicitly advanced the agenda of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Chinese Communist Party and other globalists to evolve the United Nations into a world government. As a result, the sovereignty of member nations and whatever liberties their citizens currently enjoy are imperiled.

In the interest of sounding the alarm regarding what should be a critical election issue (in the United States and worldwide), as well as performing a damage assessment regarding the emergency powers the Pact confers on Guterres, its Digital Compact and censorship requirements and open-ended funding commitments to myriad “sustainable” goals and projects to achieve them, we held the fourth of our Sovereignty Coalition’s Sovereignty Summits on the morning of Thursday, October 17<sup>th</sup>.

In addition, this Summit focused on what can be done to prevent the imposition on free peoples and nations of what amounts to yet another of the globalists’ multilateral treaties – especially the prospect of that happening via the “Silence Procedure” -- without debate or formal national ratification.

We warned against Biden/Harris signing the Pact into law via Executive Order, but rather demand that the Pact – which is in fact a treaty – be submitted to the United States Senate, requiring a two-thirds vote before the Pact for the Future can be deemed to bind Americans. We also discussed the unique role that can be played by governors and attorneys general in this country’s states in refusing to comply with the Pact and/or the Secretary-General’s dictates pursuant to it.


- FRANK GAFFNEY, Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and former Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy thanks and welcomes contributors and audience


- Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition; President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Founder of Anti-Globalist International; and Co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force
• Topic: “World Government Treaties’ Weapon of Mass Coercion: The Digital Gulag”

- Dr. Francis Boyle, Ph.D., Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law; JD degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University; Former Board Member, Amnesty International; Draft author, U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush
• Topic: “Accords Advancing World Government are Treaties, and Must be Subject to Approval by the U.S. Senate”

- Senator Ron Johnson, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, lead sponsor of S.444, legislation to require Senate advice and consent on WHO treaties.
• Topic: “World government and the Assault on Sovereignty – Why the Senate Must Do Its Duty”

- U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-5), Chairman, House Conservative Opportunity Society, Member, House Budget, Financial Services and Rules Committees
• Topic: “Why the Senate Must Give Vote on and Disapprove the Globalists’ World Government Treaties”

- Joe Wolverton II, JD Constitutional Law Scholar, Contributor to The New American
• Topic: “What is State Nullification and Why States Should Embrace it Now

- Tennessee Rep. Bud Hulsey, co-sponsor of the Tennessee State Nullification Bill HB2795
• Topic: “Why Every State Should Follow Tennessee’s Lead on State Nullification”

- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, AHBIM, is board-certified in osteopathic medicine, with a proficiency certification in Integrative Medicine; founder, Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, Cleveland Ohio; internationally recognized authority on vaccines
• Topic: “The Pitfalls of the Pact for the Future”

- Dr. Andrea Nazarenko, MA, MA, MAS, PhD, a community and quantitative psychologist; co-founder of The Inspired Network, a coordinated action network for healthcare system improvement
• Topic: “World Government: Enemy of Freedom of Speech and Culture”

- Lisa Miron, Esq., B.S., ML, an attorney with 24 years of practice in the automobile, technology and telecommunications sectors; founder of a firm that sued the Canadian government in connection with first SARS pandemic; author of the soon-to-be-released book, “Unprofessional”
• Topic: “Unconstitutional: National ‘Focal Points’ and the Threat to Sovereignty”

- Alex Newman, President of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc.; an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, radio/TV host, and consultant; Author, “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death”
• Topic: “The Summit of the Future, the World Health Assembly and the Stealthy Midwifing of World Government”

- Dr. Kat Lindley, DO, President, Global Health Project; founder, Lindley Medical
• Topic: “Defending Freedom and Sovereignty from the Globalists”
Senator Bob Ballinger, 1047 CR 5099, Ozark, Arkansas, 72949 | National Association of Christian Legislators

- Brian O’Shea, Investigative Journalist at Daily Clout, Inc (Daily; Host of “Unrestricted Invasion” (w/Brian O’Shea & JJ Carrell); Spent 30 years in the fields of military intelligence, U.S. Government Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence (private sector), private investigations, executive protection
• Topic: “One Health: The Globalists Vehicle for Bribing and Otherwise Securing Compliance with Their Sovereignty-crushing Governance Agenda”

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