Kamala Harris Endorses LIABILITY IMMUNITY (not Vivek Ramaswamy, see notes/links)

4 months ago

In my letter to Chinese Embassy, Ambassador Mr. Xie Feng, I discuss the misnomer used by Mr. Donald Trump, "The China Virus." Letter opens with the December 2023 Republican Presidential Debate quote made by Mr. Vivek Ramaswamy: https://www.pvsheridan.com/sheridan2feng-1-14february2024/

My interview on LIABILITY IMMUNITY here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIkfeIQwEKg&t=0s

Two hidden camera video reports of Mr. Jay Varma:



My letter to Dean Steven Garfin at University of California - San Diego, the alma mater of Mr. Jay Varma: https://www.pvsheridan.com/sheridan2garfin-2october2024.pdf

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