Tianeptine: Is this cognitive enhancer a paradox to the current paradigm of depression?

4 months ago

A novel tricyclic antidepressant, which is something of a paradox to the current paradigm of depression. It has +400 results on Pubmed, including 18 human clinical trials in the past 10 years, so it has a decent body of science behind it. The pharmaceutical industry that produces antidepressant drugs is often vilified as "a vampire" profiting from the suffering of humanity. However, the development of drugs like Tianeptine is a positive sign that pharmaceutical science is being done to shatter paradigms and actually help people.
I'll make the case here that it's a Jekyll and Hyde smart drug.

1:00 My Tianeptine Review
1:49 Human Studies
2:12 Monoamine Hypothesis of Depression
3:42 Antidepressant Pharmaceuticals
4:24 Pros vs Cons
6:15 Cognitive Enhancer
8:42 Depression
12:05 Demonology & Mental Illness
16:05 Alcohol Withdrawal
17:03 Vs Parkinson's
17:25 Vivid Dreams
18:04 A Long-Term Focus Drug
18:58 Mechanism of Action
20:25 Neuroplasticity
21:05 History
21:22 Pharmaceutical Grade Sources
22:24 Aesthetics and Use
24:09 Recreational Use
25:26 Abuse Potential
26:40 In Conclusion

Read Meta-Analysis 📑 Everything mentioned here
Order 💲 Tianeptine
Pharma-Grade https://www.limitlessmindset.com/Tianeptine
Capsuled https://www.limitlessmindset.com/Tianeptine-EU-UK
Solution https://www.limitlessmindset.com/Tianeptine-Solution

🎧 Music by Brain.FM
🇬🇷 Filmed in Athens, Greece

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