Dr.Amir Jahangiri To Be the Free HUMAN & Effect Change

3 days ago

3.13 Those Iranians, hey, very brilliant people- What are you doing in England?

3.23"I owe everything to this wonderful country.
I was free to pursue spirituality her- this is my beloved home."

4/25 "Well, it’s(Britain) a more ancient and rich culture with a lot of heritage. It's seen lots of ups and downs, gone through difficulties and come out the other side victorious- it takes quite a lot to take it off balance. A classy-sleepy…."

5.57 My daughter travelling there on her own - It’s unbelievably safe…they keep a close eyes on you. the people are incredibly welcoming- gracious hosts, people are very interested…to show their guest a good time

7.09 "Hopefully the world is going to go THROUGH this madness that we are experiencing, now, and it will possible for people to travel freely, in friendship, and for everything to be -sane again."

We caught at my surrounding orbs…”by the way, you’ve got orbs flying all around you!”

8.47 "The fundamental truth of who and what we are. We are infinite, we are not restricted to the physical. Once that truth is established, then it is our duty to investigate how far this goes."
8.56 "It seems we have a presence in everything, everywhere: all through the dimensions, through primordial light and sound, through the primordial void…and our home is the beloved source of all things."
9.09 Rumi, “We are a drop form the mighty ocean, and yet we are the mighty ocean in one drop.”

9.23 "Now, what occurs through coming into this physical reality? We are burdened with many distortions and overlays. -Many different types of belief systems that make us believe we are small.
One these are removed to a sufficient degree, we are liberated once again."

10.07 "So, really it begins by being attuned to ones own senses…then you find a thread, where it is the start of the story. You start pulling the thread. And the important thing beyond where the thread goes is, if you are able to go where that thread goes.
And sometimes people have blockages in the form of ancient wounds: some of them not too ancient, from the present incarnation. -Many of them form ancient times, truly ancient times of Atlantis and Lemuria, going even further back- some of them, before this universe was brought online.
We have beings that migrate.
It requires sufficient liberation, and of course, an empty mind…"

11.29 "It seems, despite repeated cyclical and events of extinction, that our species faces once every one to twelve-thousand years, shamanic wisdom is eternal.
it is accessible to everybody, you just need to ‘ask’, and demonstrate integrity, and the flood-gates open."
11.56 "So, shamanic instruments and approaches are incredibly useful in removing ‘all of it’."

12.40 Were you a very exploratory child?
"I was a mad child...." :D
13.59 "Generally speaking, I ‘suffer’ from excessive happiness - and that’s one of the things that really was, an incredible thing to have, especially when dealing with the darker things in the non physical realm, or realms, plural."

15.12 Where other people have these ‘breaks and shutdowns’ but you stayed open and knowing, - now that’s a very precious, important valuable thing.
(Bim, my cat decides she will leave the room before ewe start talking about the darker things…! )

16.07 "Well, ‘how to stay open?’ I owe a debt of gratitude to the Elementals.
When I was very very small, I was very shiny."
( A wonderful story about the elemental being who visited Amir for years…)

17.56 "So initially my journey was absolutely selfish: “heal thyself”. But then I discovered that approaches that are successful, are successful, ‘full stop!’ You can apply these to other people.
And so I came the understanding that a lot of the harshness and pain- it’s just a ‘rite of passage’. If you don’t ‘feel’ what you are about to heal, you are a lousy healer. It’s like being a master-chef who’s never tasted their own dish."

18.30 "So this is how healers are born: they go through it, they heal, and then they can apply the same wisdom to others."

19.30 "You begin with where you are. So it doesn’t really matter what you’ve gone through, where you are, there is always a way, ‘up’."

19.50 Amir describes the modality known as the Kuji kiri.

20.40 "I don’t like to think of it in terms of becoming more powerful. You are increasing your capacity to pull in Divine Light."

22.11 Regardless of what you do and where you are, there are some intrinsic pieces of truth
22.30 "Sound: is one of those things that is superior to light and dimensionality- it precedes their existence."
22.59 "It (sound) seems to amplify intention."

24.24 "It (sound) seems to create the scaffolding of manifestation: everything else falls into place. You are giving it the structure, or the boundaries, what is allowed, what is not. it is all vibration. Everything is vibration. Nothing is still.
So we are using this to create: it is one of the primary modalities of manifestation, or ‘magic’. -Very, very powerful."

24.56 "Now…the beauty of it,…it doesn’t even require molecules of air to move.
It can be done with your consciousness."

25.54 We’ve go to start to understand as a Human population, that this ‘thought-thing’, IS a ‘thing’- it has energy.

26.26 "Time and location are limitations of the physical realm.
What we do does not depend on our muscles, or our strength, or if we’ve eaten or not, it is very much so, dependent on the rest of the human vessel - energetic realms.
So many people are surprised: they are stuck in the realm of physicality, without the updates. But oh! there is much more going on."

27.49 "Many many people suffer because they want to overburden the brain, the physical part of consciousness, with material that was never intended for it. The only purpose of the brain , is keeping us alive in physical reality- and it does that for us very beautifully."
28.55 "Now, for other stuff , which comes from other places, we have other aspects of consciousness. The trick is, calming the brain- the ‘monkey-brain.’
- Calming the ‘monkey’ down to a sufficient degree, for you to hear the gentle ‘whispers’ of your soul."

30.08 The inability to accept ‘the beyond’…and therefore staying in this state of imprisonment.
What tools can we use to shift that?

31.07 "‘Forced approaches’ ( of clearing and enlightening), when the ego is still small, they usually don’t last long. They remember, but it’s like Stockhold Syndrome: they are used to their captivity, and even if they are temporarily liberated, they just walk back into the next trap. "

31.36 "First and foremost, the person needs to wish to be free. That is absolutely necessary.
The comes, regaining our rightful place as member of the animal kingdom. Because there is so much glory there- and thought he distortions that our civilisation is facing, many people have degenerated below what an animal is.
They behave worse- they are more destructive and less useful.
Once we claim our place as a member of the animal kingdom, we step into our place and remember what it is to be human. We build up the energy."

32.39" Many people…now this is perhaps the most distorted idea among all of them: the idea of love. It is not something that you give, then somebody reciprocates, it is all about consciousness. And so once you learn what this is essentially, you see all things as consciousness.. Then you transcend what it is to be Human."

33.03 "As you go up the scale, you understand that truth is within you, that you are free from the bounds of identity: you manifest what you feel within you, and then you are truly free.
The body rests on the infinite soul: you acknowledge that you are the light, you are the void, and you are everything in-between.
-This is the process of Kuji kiri."

35.45 "the end of the Dark Ages"
35.56 "The next eighteen months is going to be very intense, as those dark elements lose the ability to harvest energy from sentient life - and they are going to start panicking and going into a frenzy. But it is not going to last."
36.10" And then we are going to enter, probably a three century period of transition before the new Golden Age.
What you mentioned about our symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth, is one of the signs of this Age beginning."
36.28 "In older iterations of humanity, when I say the ‘iterations’ it is because the whole thing is an experiment, with the purpose of creating the most spectacular being in the Cosmos, - which is the mighty Human."
36.40" In older iterations, the Earth-bridge, underneath the Root, going through the feet, connecting to the Earth-Star, was left in-tact. And so , we would anchor our light into the planet, heal her. But of course, she is most gracious, so she would heal us."
37.07 "In older iterations of humanity, by the time we hit puberty, we were able to upload most of our soul-memory, through the natural grids of the planet."

38.10 "By the way, the purpose of the severance of our energetic circuitry, was just to teaches how to adapt to the conditions. "

We adjourn the conversation briefly and continue with wonderful conversation on our role as integrates of Elemental energy and Earth energy with our activated soul memory. 
You are not going to want to miss it! You can contact him for healing here:


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