XRP, NESARA-GESARA, QFS 3.0, and the National Quantum Initiative Act

4 months ago

XRP, NESARA-GESARA, QFS 3.0, and the National Quantum Initiative Act: The Financial Revolution Uncovered!

National Quantum Initiative Act, GESARA, QFS, and Ripple’s XRP as they dismantle the old financial system. the impact of GESARA – the Quantum Financial System (QFS), and Ripple’s XRP as they revolutionize global finance with transparency, fairness, and asset-backed currencies.

READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/xrp-nesara-gesara-qfs-3-0-and-the-national-quantum-initiative-act-the-financial-revolution-uncovered-must-watch/


BOOOM! Global Financial Revolution: How Starlink, Basel III, and ISO20022 Are Blowing Up Traditional Banking! https://amg-news.com/booom-global-financial-revolution-how-starlink-basel-iii-and-iso20022-are-blowing-up-traditional-banking/

QFS NEWS: All Banks are Transitioning Over Into the QFS – Start Getting Hold of the ISO 20022 XLM and XRP – 8 Billion People Will Inevitably Transition to the QFS https://amg-news.com/qfs-news-all-banks-are-transitioning-over-into-the-qfs-start-getting-hold-of-the-iso-20022-xlm-and-xrp-8-billion-people-will-inevitably-transition-to-the-qfs/

QFS News! Security and Verification: Protecting Your QFS Account, Universal Basic Income, Account Consolidation, Quantum Encryption, Biometric Data, Age Requirements (young adults) and Identity Verification https://amg-news.com/qfs-news-security-and-verification-protecting-your-qfs-account-universal-basic-income-account-consolidation-quantum-encryption-biometric-data-age-requirements-young-adults-and-identity-verifi/

New List of 209 Countries That are Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan! https://amg-news.com/update-new-list-of-209-countries-that-are-connected-to-the-qfs-system-or-are-being-connected-qfs-rtgs-trust-the-plan/


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