The Precognitive Power of EVIL

2 months ago

This is a brief exposé of the little known precognitive power of evil which includes insight into the dark spiritual power of MUSIC. Over the past 80 years music has been a TREMENDOUS power used to BEGUILE the souls of large swathes of fallen state humanity.

I used to be a fervent music fan; a hippy/rocker/raver at heart frequenting rock/hippy pubs and clubs, seeing many gigs and spending summertimes pining for and attending Glastonbury Festival or alternative/"green" English music festivals with pagan/new age/hindu tones. Being into everything from 60's-90's pop, all the genres of rock, metal, punk, psychedelia, jazz/fusion, disco, funk, lotsa classical, Dub Reggae, EDM, Ambient, Drum & Bass, dark/Psy-trance and Acid/Techno I considered my taste exquisite and explored it all thoroughly.

Since I got BORN AGAIN none of it matters. Music as we know it is purely a worldly phenomenon largely inspired by the surrogate god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and carries an EXPIRY DATE.

IT'S ALL COMING TO AN END - whether personally or collectively everything of this world will be cut off and the only Love that lasts is of GOD . . .

Turns out JESUS is *God's Love* and no earthly music is exalted in HIM.

I'm not ALL saying music is evil, but most of it takes us away from GOD. We gotta get things into perspective: worldly music ain't present in Heaven. Famous deceased rock & rollers or any musician humanity deifies are not held in high esteem by the LORD (Heavenly Music is wHoly other: it continually PRAISES the LORD and is more beautiful than anything we can currently imagine). . . . Any and ALL worldly sensory stimulants will sooner or later be null and void: KAPUT! Never to be heard or felt again, but hey: none of it was gonna be useful in Heaven. . . Someone ELSE will take it's place, whether it be Jesus or Satan (and his destiny was prophesied in Matthew 25:31-46)

I'm of an age to see clearer the extreme vulnerability and fleeting transience of life. It could be over in a moment, without warning, and seem an all too brief occurence; yet everyone persists in rank ignorance without any concern (Isaiah 60:2). Young people haven't a clue: they inherit and make their own the strongest delusions available. As a young adult I ardently absorbed all the gnostic, new age and "ancient wisdom" delusions then later fell for neo-vedantic (hindu roots) contrivances and considered Brahman the Ultimate Reality. But I was a FOOL and see variations of that foolishness increasing exponentially in masses of people.

Turns out JESUS is the Ultimate Reality (John 1:1-5)

After the comprehensive "open minded" spirituality I assimilated I see now that BIBLICAL Cosmogony is the truth (not gnostic, hindu, buddhist or any CULTISH new age/theosophical perspective that arose from a concerted or singular/autocratic delusion over the past 150 years) and by the Light of Spirit we glean from Scripture that Satan was an anointed Angel/Cherub ("Lucifer") leading the worship of God in Heaven. . . . Satan was a musical god (Ezekiel 28:13 {KJV}) yet PRIDE corrupted his heart (Isaiah 14:12-15) and since the heavenly disgrace - taken none too well - he seeks to PERVERT humanity and make it Antichrist.

Satan desires to lead us away from Christ and overachieves with great zeal and flair. Billions have unwittingly fallen for the highfalutin philosophies, enlightenments and sensual aspirations of Satan and his myriad of followers channeling through mankind since deepest antiquity.

We know everything we do by the flesh and Satan appeals to flesh because there's no Power of Holy Spirit in it. He specialises in faux spiritualizing physicality and materialism and new agers/pagans eagerly lap it up 'cos they're entirely of the world. They LOVE sensuality and nature and worship creation over CREATOR; but the world - as we know it - is a temporary affair and a verging on completely CRAZY ONE. . . .

Insanity is highly pervasive. So many deeply deceived yet haughty folks crowd the internet. I can't stand to see the *strong delusions* of influencers and celebrity demagogues with HUGE followings spreading their *pig ignorant* spiel: it's an utterly *dreadful* state of spiritual affairs. It makes me quite ill sometimes but I have to witness.

I know I'm pushing further away any friends by saying all this. Heck, I've lost most of 'em already. But the truth must be faced. . . Truth is ALL that matters. . . . and Jesus is the truth (John 14:6) and He truly offers a LIFE Eternal - Beyond this fallen world.

Things are gonna get *real serious* relatively soon; but whatever happens we gotta keep our eyes (heart) on JESUS: He walks ABOVE the wind and the waves (world events)

To delve deeper into my bestowed Insight, check out this action packed and Spirit Inspired blogscape

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