One of Eddie's HARDEST riffs of all time!

4 months ago

I've had this riff wrong my entire life. I never took the time to learn the proper technique until this week. You can see one my last uploads "talent show" to see how I've been cheating. • This won me the office talent show.

I decided to hunker down this week and break this thing down. He is pulling off to open strings to create arpeggiated triplets. Its not easy, not intuitive, and frankly I can feel my brain working every time I practice this thing! Don't have it mastered yet, but I have come along way. I think this is straight up the most difficult thing on Eruption, and perhaps the most difficult of his own designs.

I have two parts of Eruption that I know are not correct. This is one, and the wanking after the big chords is the other. That is next.

Here are the two lines tabbed out. The third line is a repeat of the first and then just continuing the hammer-ons into the tapping.

I'm not certain how Eddie picked it on the album. I have been down picking the first note of each triplet, pulling off, then up-stroking the third note of the triplet, back to a down-stroke of the next. I believe I saw him pick every note on Live Without a Net but he didn't do that on the album.

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