Trump Visions

2 months ago

I used to like Trump; but since I got BORN AGAIN - and see how demented he makes tens of millions of American christians - I've gone right off him. Now I find him utterly REPULSIVE.

I see things different to regular christians. I see things contrary to most prominent ex new agers too and personally, as an English christian, I'm alienated and rather NAUSEATED by all the Trump IDOLATRY. I was sceptical at first but I'm coming round to what many christians are gleaning about Trump. It's clearer by the day. The "stolen election," the "persecutions" and attempted assassination are making Trump what he's destined to be.

Some visions/dreams are genuine but those equating Trump as an American Saviour are terribly misleading. Anyone who elevates Trump and America ABOVE Jesus' Kingdom is of the Dickens (euphemism for the DEVIL)

Sadly, popular Pastors such as Paul Begley and the otherwise very informative "Mike From Around the World" view Trump through patriotic eyes, which seriously taints their spiritual discernment in my Born Again spirit. They make excuses for him!

It's increasingly evident that it don't matter how long anyone's been with Jesus, Satan can make significant inroads into the more mature christian psyche in the subtlest ways.

It's abundantly CLEAR what worldly American christians really want 'cos patriotism always LOOMS LARGE in their minds. They can't help themselves and go glassy-eyed over Trump, negating any true christian sensibilities (John 17:16): It's all about making their country great (again) and Trump embodies that ideal..... Personally, I've never had a patriotic allegiance to my own country (England) - it's a complete FARCE.

GOD is in control but allows Satan to do his thing and right now he's doing something HUGE with Trump.

Jesus referred to Satan as an objective personality with MASSIVE subjective/psychic influence. I've come to see that Satan has astute prophetic powers; he can show anyone he's chosen their future. Satan's stealthily guided (via dreams etc) a great many influential spiritual & political figures since deepest antiquity - christians too. Satan's so slick he fakes christianity on a HUGE scale on a wide variety of fronts. MAGA's an obvious one. Satan seeks to DESTROY true christianity through strong delusions such as MAGA.

There's no Great Revival coming but a Great APOSTASY (Matthew 24:10–14, 2 Thessalonians 2) and MAGA is part of that. Elevating Trump and hoping for MAGA is a form of christian Apostasy.

Too many American christians live in the Old Testament and TRUMP is their Golden Calf; but we're under a NEW Covenant and under THAT Trump is part of the *problem* NOT the solution: he'sv part of the FAKE esoteric/satanic battle of light and dark playing out before the world's myopic eyes.

A great many christians, incl Israel, will fall under the spell of the LAWLESS ONE who'll (initially) be "Peacemaker" and a "spiritual" SAVIOUR. Ask yourself what beguiling political leader's SPELL they'd so easily fall under? But hey: true christians won't be deceived (Matthew 24:24)

All God's Promises were for Israel and, though occasionally OPULENT (Solomon), were entirely worldly and conditional: staying in the Statutes and Judgements of GOD. America ain't doing that; it's a deeply sinful country.

Modern prosperity pastors presume to live on the Old Testament Promises but they're delusional. Their wealth comes from the pockets of their many fawning followers.

While Israel is central to Biblical Prophecy, they're in a backslidden state. Judaism is a corrupt religion, Jesus knew that, and no amount of glossing over cancels that (until the Return of their true Messiah) it's tainted by the esoteric/demonic system of Kabbalah/the Zohar and its *Tree of Life* .....

Jesus' Promises are SPIRITUAL/HEAVENLY and involve suffering (dying to self) yet America desires none of that, just prosperity: it was built on presuming the earthly promises of Israel. Modern spirituality is founded on presumption and christians are no different. America essentially HIJACKED Israel's Promises and supports the Nation with an ulterior motive: to survive and thrive by leaning upon the Promises of Blessings to those who Bless Israel.

Trump ain't God's man. Yeshua/Jesus Christ IS.

The Political Right aren't gonna unite the world: the Right Hand of GOD Will.

Satan Unites, God DIVIDES (we see that in Genesis One): only the literal Return of Jesus Christ can heal and sort out this fallen world, and HE WILL - ON HIS TERMS (Isaiah 2:2-4; 9:6-7, 11:1-10 & 45:23, Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 13 & 28:18, Mark 14:61-62, Revelation 1:7-8 & 18, Rev 19:11-21)

For further data on Trump's Antichrist credentials check out these channels and

For more of my Holy Spirit Inspired insight check my Blogscape

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