‘Keeping Ourselves Safe’ Programme In NZ Schools

4 months ago

Mum & ECE teacher Emma joins us to discuss the NZ Police ‘safety’ course taught in many NZ schools.

Emma is a wife, mum of 4 kids, ex primary school teacher and now runs Early Childhood Centres in Auckland, NZ.

We take a look at the NZ Police Keeping Ourselves Safe programme currently being run in many NZ schools. Over the last 4 years (2019-2023) 977 schools have engaged with Police with a total of 24,674 sessions delivered.

So, who’s taken a look at it?
With more parents having alarm bells on what’s happening in classrooms, some are compelled to check now, particularly when it’s a programme being run in conjunction with an external agency. Concerning ideology (political) has seeped into far too many places in education.

This is a compelling conversation with a mum who did look, even though she used to teach this programme in primary schools years ago. Some teaching resources have been updated, and we recommend diving in and looking. On questioning the teachers and principal, these parents learned that the teachers were about to teach a programme that they had not analysed themselves.

Resources discussed are available on www.police.govt.nz
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