The Left Must Stop Viewing Illegal Immigrants As Their Golden Ticket To Cheap Labor

6 hours ago

Posted • October 17, 2024: Sigh. The Left will never learn. Every time there is a discussion about immigration and deporting people here illegally, they go into tirades about who will pick their crops or clean their houses or even take care of their babies. They pretend like they have a huge heart for people sneaking into the United States, when in reality they just want to use them for cheap labor. -- Scott Jennings: "He's going to crack down on immigration to the benefit of American workers." - Catherine Rampell: "He's going to deport 20 million people? The people who pick your crops!" -- Who will clean your toilet, Donald Trump… Do they even hear themselves? They should really be ashamed of themselves except they have no shame. It's honestly shocking that this is the first line out of their mouth every single time somebody talks about deporting illegal migrants in the United States. "Well, who's going to be part of the slave class that we're paying under the table?"

They are literally saying, 'if you get rid of the illegal migrants, who will do our manual labor for next to nothing?'. Here's an idea … pay an American a decent wage to do it. There are absolutely American citizens or people here LEGALLY who will clean your house. The Left is just too cheap to pay them. They admit Biden let in 20 million illegals lol -- That's the ones they know about. There is no telling how many got away. “Who is going to pick the cotton”- Democrats, since the civil war. Some things never change. An outrageous statement. If the Democrats want to run on giving citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, then go right ahead because it's a losing issue for them. People in America need jobs. People who are receiving government assistance should be working jobs. There is no need to import labor and if we do, there should be a worker program. Work gives people a sense of dignity. Hand outs do nothing but make the recipient dependent on the government.

Same arguments democrats used back in 1860. Imagine that. Super racist, I don't think these people in San Antonio are picking any crops though. -- And every time this enrages me. We have a guest worker visa program for this. By and large most people picking the crops are legally working here on this program because one of the first places ICE goes is to the freaking farms. Exactly! The goal of the program is to help farmers with temporary labor and to help the people participating in the worker program to earn money to bring back to the home country. That doesn't require we allow them permanent residency. -- Americans are going to fill those jobs and they’re going to get paid better and legally, rather than under the table for slave wages. What is it with the Democrat urge to make brown people work in the fields? And after the Republicans put a stop to it!

It's time for Republicans to put a stop to it again.

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