Apatros Review Ep-0110: Galaxina [1980]

5 months ago

AR-0110: This rather pathetic attempt at a Star Wars spoof done in the style of the stoner movies popular at the time would have stayed in obscurity were it not for the tragic death of its star Dorothy Stratton around the time the film came out.

An old police patrol space cruiser is sent on a multi-year mission to a distant planet to obtain a rare mineral known as the "Blue Star"...

[Heavenly chorus chanting in the background]

...what the heck was that?

Anyhoo, this mineral is important so the crew must go into hypersleep to stay young during the 30-or-so year trip, the only crew member staying awake being the ship's android chick named "Galaxina", who decides to upgrade herself so she can be in love with her human boyfriend.

The jokes in this film are indeed good jokes if handled right, but this film manages the almost-impossible feat of not sticking the landing of practically all of the jokes, leaving this film to be something of a major flop.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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