Solon's Atlantis Definitive Map Guide prt 1

4 days ago

It is said in the years around 590bc, Solon the legendary Greek lawmaker traveled to the city of Sais, in Egypt, according to the Greek scholar Herodotus (The father of History).

There Solon could have found out about the lost history of Atlantis in the cities sacred registries, which is accounted by the Greek philosopher Plato in the texts Timaeus and Critias.

Even though it is accounted by Plato that this was an absolutely true history. Today's academics ignore that and say Plato must have lied about that or has a great sense of humor and threw the great hero Solon under the bus and made him out to be a fool for his little made-up Atlantis allegory about hubris.

Or it is a true history (not a myth) as it is written and clearly says over and over at least five times in the texts.

Follow this amazing map guide in part one to see an astonishing understanding of our world and its geography. Displaying clear evidence that Atlantis was absolutely real as it says it was.

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