TheDimStream LIVE! Get Out (2017) | Malignant (2021)

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MudderFetcher is this where the cannibal sex cult meets?

Qriist Supporter+ no this is Longpig Sex Ed 101

Qriist Supporter+ the cannibal sex cult meets in the basement

Qriist Supporter+ omg women 😱

Guyinroom83 I still haven't seen all of get out

Guyinroom83 Is the ginger ok with these video game men courting you erl?

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Spooktober

Guyinroom83 Men can get babies in them too now.

Qriist Supporter+ Beverly's being overcum by baby fever.

Qriist Supporter+ that's basically how it happens irl

Guyinroom83 Oh so this is a Mormon video game

Qriist Supporter+ I have brie cheese

MudderFetcher "Just going to the island for a pack of menthols."

Qriist Supporter+ it is delicious

Guyinroom83 Rumble is being shitty keeps freezing

MudderFetcher I *think* it maxes at 2 kids and they never fully grow-up (?)

Qriist Supporter+ no it's rumble/ I had to refresh too

MudderFetcher yeah same..had to refresh

Guyinroom83 Do people make mods for this game? Maybe.. nudity ones

Qriist Supporter+ I can't understand your chingchong accent regardless

MudderFetcher Trump stream going on...could be that

Guyinroom83 Rope? Suicide mod?

MudderFetcher I'm posting that video lol

Guyinroom83 Sepukku mod

Qriist Supporter+ mommy milkers

Guyinroom83 Lol Whole or 2%?

MudderFetcher red is usually 1% I thought

MudderFetcher it's in #thats-erl

Qriist Supporter+ red is whole here

Qriist Supporter+ the colors are regional

MudderFetcher I only buy 2%...I know nothing

Guyinroom83 1% is purple I think, green skim

Qriist Supporter+ possibly also varies by company

Qriist Supporter+ just put the healthy cereal on the floor to flavor it

MudderFetcher drink every time Beverly says milk

Qriist Supporter+ problem solved

Guyinroom83 Erl drinks heavy cream in her cereal

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ WTF is Bev wearing?

Qriist Supporter+ she's showing off her mommy milkers

Guyinroom83 I recognized no one in the movie

MudderFetcher oh and the sister's butt looked great in jeans...that was my other note lol

Guyinroom83 We get it, all blacks look the same erl

MudderFetcher Canadian ARE generally evil

Guyinroom83 He's basically admitting progressives are fake and racist which they are, but Jordan Peele is still a progressive anyway

Guyinroom83 I hated the girlfriend right away honestly

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Grassing bastard is the term

JQuickDraw Supporter So if I like to "play" in Jell-O, does that make me a Jellist?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ it makes you a freak
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

JQuickDraw Supporter "John's into other guys. He's a fellist"
OakPoke Supporter+ Not black enough. Real Oreo hours.

MudderFetcher Stephen Root's character in True Blood is my fave

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Seth Rogan is a shitcock
OakPoke Supporter+ Did Beverly lose weight? Probably impolite to ask (married or nearly).
OakPoke Supporter+ Never dated a black guy aka she hasn't ever taken a guy out to eat.
OakPoke Supporter+ never dated a black guy, never 'walked into a door knob'

MudderFetcher there is a dungeon clean-up game where you play as a goblin
OakPoke Supporter+ I started playing Skyrim (2011)...there are dungeons
OakPoke Supporter+ Mudder. Is it like a restaurant game where you're a goblin bus boy?

MudderFetcher you clean-up after the heroes destroy everything...looks like a lot of the cleaner sims

Guyinroom83 nope had some really good moments. the monkey flipping out part was one of the scariest parts, honestly

MudderFetcher whoever did the audio on Malignant had some fun...constant stingers

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ what are we talking about again?
OakPoke Supporter+ cleaner Sims. wild lol
OakPoke Supporter+ a Keenan and peeled movie... black stuff idk

MudderFetcher classic cello/string stingers mixed with like industrial metalish music lol

MudderFetcher someone thought they were VERY clever but the movie just felt disjointed

MudderFetcher the police station stuff was my fave part

Guyinroom83 oh wow. didnt know that was real, that takes my compliment away lol

Guyinroom83 thought he came up with that

Guyinroom83 even nope was too race focused. we get it, black people aren't normally cowboys

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Bev being racist again
OakPoke Supporter+ Hopefully

MudderFetcher the Jordan Peele movies kinda run together for me

Guyinroom83 his movies are literally all just a long 'whites are racist' plotline

Guyinroom83 'whites be racist' the series

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alex, don't say chimp, they prefer african american

Guyinroom83 i didn't see Us, to be fair, but I heard it was his worst one

MudderFetcher which is the weather balloon aliens? that's the one that sticks-out lol

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Nope.
OakPoke Supporter+ I thought peele was supposed to be funny? I never watched that burger planet show with Keenan peele

Guyinroom83 @MudderFetcher it's nope. and it's racist to forget the title.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Is everything racist now?

MudderFetcher also make better titles; Nope, Us, Get Out...dude there's like 5 of each of those when you search for movies lol
OakPoke Supporter+ The movie Nope was based on a true story. Boy asked to meet his father some day. mother said Nope.

Guyinroom83 @win

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Dystopian SteamPunk is what Bev calls her dildo

MudderFetcher I thought that the mom in the attic was the main character

Guyinroom83 i dont even remember. i dont really try to make this much sense of horror movies

MudderFetcher I think the mom video was '85 and she was 15

Guyinroom83 i kinda view horror movies in diff categories like 'fun horror' or 'actually good horror' its rare to have an actually really good horror

MudderFetcher and then the daughter was 11 when she left the institute
OakPoke Supporter+ Humpin' Around came out in 1992. It was about Bill Clinton's escapades.
OakPoke Supporter+ catchy song

Guyinroom83 or was the whole movie just something gabriel dreamt??

MudderFetcher and the biological mom is just there smiling in her hospital bed...and credits

Guyinroom83 you guys have to see the alternate alternate directors cut ending to really get it.

Guyinroom83 i actually was expecting the ending to be one of those 'gabriel isnt actually real and she just murdered people'

Guyinroom83 make it a video game that's co-op and one person controls gabriel

Guyinroom83 lol, i just made that up but, probably

MudderFetcher just checked the Constitution and Tumor Twins are still liable

Guyinroom83 i was joking, bc for a while, a lot of early 2000s horror movies would have like 3 different alternate endings on the dvds

Guyinroom83 i still love 1408. i always forget about it
OakPoke Supporter+ Suicide Kings had a couple endings.

Guyinroom83 the mist

Guyinroom83 also

MudderFetcher now if we could just find all of the Monk Clue episode endings
OakPoke Supporter+ suicide kings thr audience hated yhr happy ending

MudderFetcher oh sorry Psyche

Guyinroom83 every show had clue episodes. even seinfeld

Guyinroom83 did you guys see 1BR i think its called

Guyinroom83 what horror movies do you guys actually like

MudderFetcher I always think of Trick R Treat and Cabin In The Woods together for some reason

MudderFetcher how about all 15 Halloween Town movies? lol

JQuickDraw Supporter The 07 version had Anna Paquin in it

MudderFetcher I love Extra Ordinary but not very Halloween-y...just ghosts

Guyinroom83 every movie review on the dimside "ive seen better... meh"

Guyinroom83 that's annoying, its probably two different movies

Guyinroom83 yeah isn't htere a new one on amazon? apartment something

Guyinroom83 OH. there's a new one on amazon called 'apartment 7A"

Guyinroom83 that is a prequel to rosemarys baby

Guyinroom83 (i meant on paramount +_

MudderFetcher I love when someone does Comedy+whatever and nails both

MudderFetcher oh Sweet Home
OakPoke Supporter+ Taiwanese Japanese ,.dirty knees,.look at these

Guyinroom83 alien stuff isn't halloween to me but i like those a lot

Guyinroom83 so Erl likes 3 horror movies. 3.

Guyinroom83 and all 3 are horror comedy.

Guyinroom83 that brings it up to 4.
OakPoke Supporter+ I felt like I was in a scary movie once. middle of winter, almost dark, I can hear someone crunching the snow outside the cabin... cropped me out
OakPoke Supporter+ so much ice, couldn't see outside of the windows... I put my jeans and boots on, grab are, run outside to confront who is there
OakPoke Supporter+ axe*

MudderFetcher Kurt Russel baby
OakPoke Supporter+ it was the electricity guy coming out to read the meter...we had a good laugh

MudderFetcher Bone Tomahawk is basically a comedy

Guyinroom83 im sick of gross gore movies

Guyinroom83 isnt bone tomahawk a book too

Guyinroom83 think of the endless possible movie titles you can have. 'apartment 7. apartment 1b. apartment 3F.'

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly working through old school trauma. Don't worry, you're always extra-ordinary to us. :r+leotoast:

Guyinroom83 we're actually all different colors, you guys are just both having a stroke

MudderFetcher I like a lot of Troma movies and my wife fucking hates them

Guyinroom83 i think i saw rec, and quarantine and i didnt know they were the same

Guyinroom83 audition isn't psychological

MudderFetcher are you saying that all of those Asian movies look the same?
OakPoke Supporter+ haha

MudderFetcher prob

Guyinroom83 itch my io baby

MudderFetcher Troma = Toxic Crusader, Poultrygeist, etc.

MudderFetcher Toxic Avenger sorry...crusader is the cartoon

purpletiger69 is going to have problems or need to change their domain becuase .io is in some trouble if not going away all together.

Guyinroom83 toxic masculinity avenger
OakPoke Supporter+ probably gn ladies n gents

MudderFetcher Immortal Succubus band name

MudderFetcher first ever anime rental was Wicked City...that might explain some things lmfao

Guyinroom83 do 40 movie reviews next week.

MudderFetcher you did get a second copy of Stardew right Beverly?

Guyinroom83 ha... 40??

Guyinroom83 you need two copies to play together?

Guyinroom83 Dark Erl

MudderFetcher Dim Erl

Guyinroom83 i miss the old days of only having to buy one game, and play couch co-op

Guyinroom83 Derl

Guyinroom83 Darl

Guyinroom83 (dark erl)

JQuickDraw Supporter I want video games where a team of actors and fx artists come to your house and act it all out as you play.

Guyinroom83 did she not recommend amnesia?

JQuickDraw Supporter I forget

Guyinroom83 Darkverly

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe for Halloween you could watch all of Kamala's presidential interviews and speeches. Or is that too horrifying?

MudderFetcher I'm just gonna early vote next week and then slip into a coma

Guyinroom83 i saw some people say they were gonna go out of town on vacation during election week, if i wasnt poor id wanna do that

Guyinroom83 coma is next best option

JQuickDraw Supporter Ah yes, Dracula, the OG gold standard vampire story, written by little known indie author Bram Stoker.

Guyinroom83 hes quite the niche author. he's an author's author

Guyinroom83 bram stroker

JQuickDraw Supporter lol What else. "Hey I invented time travel!" "But what else did you do?"

MudderFetcher Dracula stole everything from True Blood

MudderFetcher Luna might need to go out lol

Guyinroom83 little known starving artist william shakespeare

JQuickDraw Supporter Sorry, Beverly, I'm just trying to be creative sooner. :)

MudderFetcher 🍻 💜

purpletiger69 Adios

JQuickDraw Supporter Just like my sisters wow

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

TheDimSide VerifiedAdmin Hahaha.

MudderFetcher it's like that Richard Marx song but full of disappointment...well more disappointment

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