🚨Kamala's Campaign's Playing A Dangerous Game & Here's Why It Matters (10.16.24)

8 hours ago

Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves. We're diving into the murky world of Kamala Harris's campaign, where truth goes to die. This is Gary Franchi, and you're watching Next News Network's RAW FEED, exposing the biggest disinformation campaign in recent political history.

We're not talking about run-of-the-mill spin here. This is a full-blown disinformation blitz that would make propagandists blush. Harris is pulling out all the stops, but America isn't buying it.

Harris claims Trump would use the military against journalists, officials, and judges. But she conveniently forgets to mention Trump's plan to deport 13,099 criminals let in under her watch. It's fear-mongering at its finest, folks.

Then there's Tim Walz, trying to play the everyman card. He's out there claiming he and Harris might be the first Democratic gun-owning ticket. Spoiler: it's completely false, and they're actually the most anti-gun ticket in American history. Talk about desperate pandering!

On Columbus Day, Harris had the audacity to accuse European immigrants of violence, land theft, and disease-spreading. This isn't just rewriting history; it's a full-on assault on America's legacy. It's not about righting wrongs; it's about control and division.

We've even uncovered seven instances of plagiarism in Kamala's book. She's copying government websites word-for-word. And when confronted? Nothing but crickets, folks.

This is why we need your support. The mainstream media won't touch this story with a ten-foot pole. We need your help to keep this vital information flowing. Donate now at https://www.givesendgo.com/Keep-Next-News-Alive or via PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=BAC78BHT6NPU6. Every dollar counts in this fight for truth.

This isn't just about catching politicians in lies. It's about the future of our democracy. When a Vice Presidential candidate can spread..

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SOURCE: https://old.bitchute.com/video/cFDf2ilXvyc/

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