McFarlane Toys Spawn Ultra-Action Figures The Mangler

4 months ago

Today we open a big bad wolf. The Mangler comes with Staff and large demon skull. The skull slips in to the clawed side of the Staff. The staff has rubbery pegs on it that plug in to the hands of the wolf. This figure looks great like a lot of the 90s Mcfarlane stuff. It is also basically a statue like most of the 90s McFarlane toys. His head can move side to side on a swivel. His jaw is hinged so you can open and close it. At the shoulders you have a hinged ball joint that allows him to move his arms outward slightly. the arms have a hinge at the elbow. At the waist you have swivel hinges that are completely useless since his knees have no hinge and he is in a permanent Squatting position. Finally his tail is pegged in so it can be rotated. Because this figure is very top heavy you pretty much need to keep his hands on the ground in front of him to keep him propped up. With some knee hinges and working hip hinges this figure could be greatly improved. The sculpt itself is great. The articulation fails it. Unlike modern McFarlane this figure has a great paint wash that helps bring out all of the details in the sculpt. I hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you for watching. Take it easy.

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