Bad Santas Give Away $20,000 | The Night Shift

5 months ago

on today’s episode, we attempt to spread good cheer in the city of los angeles, but are instead faced with a life-altering dilemma, plus we share a raw discussion on charity, compassion, content, the internet, and then also cheeseburgers with our friend jeff/a masked version of our friend jeff.

in all seriousness guys, this video was a rollercoaster of emotions. i’m an old man, and a wise man. i’ve seen a lot and understand both sides of the coin. what started as a plan to spread holiday cheer and also bag content turned into a learning lesson for everyone and a chance to dramatically change someone’s life. this was originally supposed to be content and now we’ve created a relationship with the family and I hope to deliver some good news back to you in the future.

buy the fifth vital book here:

so you work the night shift? so do we. we can get thru this together. a random collection of news, stories, weather, and other random unplanned happenings. and tons of buttery toast.

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