His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - July 24, 2024 - Captions

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In this conversation between Julie Green and Dave Scarlett, they discuss a range of prophetic words and warnings about the current state of affairs in the United States and globally. They talk about the exposure of corrupt politicians, the implosion of the FBI, disruptions in air travel and emergency services, and the need to be prepared for potential chaos and upheaval. They emphasize the importance of staying vigilant and relying on God's guidance in these tumultuous times.

Also in this conversation, Julie and Dave discuss various prophecies and events that have been unfolding recently. They talk about the current state of the nation, the potential impact of future events, and the role of God in guiding and protecting his people. They emphasize the importance of trusting in God and being prepared for the unexpected, while also expressing excitement and anticipation for what is to come. They also touch on the significance of prophecy and the need for people to align with God's word.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 07-24-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v58adi5

Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe


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He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the lord, he is my refuge and my fortress. My God in him I will trust. Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day no r the pestilence that walks in darkness nor the destruction that lays waste at noon day. A thousand may fall at your side and 10000 at your right hand but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place. No evil shall befall you nor shall any plague coming near you, your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all ways. In their hands, they shall bear you up, lest you dash his foot against the stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent who shall trample under foot. Because he has set his love upon me. Therefore, I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him salvation. What's up Freedom Fighters? This is Hannah Faulkener with Culture of seventeen seventy-six. com and you're watching His Glory. And we want to welcome all of his glory nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome to Ace Take Five. Wednesdays with Julie Green. Welcome back. Thank you for having me back. It's been wow. Since we talked on Saturday and then since I was on here on Wednesday, what an amazing wild ride we're on right now. We we just say we keep saying and God tells you unprecedented. It's truly unprecedented. Just when you think it can't get any crazier get it it it gets crazier and what we'll talk about sure tying in your prophetic words. We are at a high level alert right now. I've told I told many sources that it's not months anymore. It's it's days weeks maybe. Uh it's the highest security level ever. They're going to plan something huge. Uh so be prepared. Also as I said in the opening, be prepared with food and water. Not to fear. Uh just be prepared. Uh God has it but they're they're going to they're going to shake the lights literally. They are and I'll tell you they one of the thing that God says that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. He said violent shaking. He's going to get this nation's attention. He's going to get the world attention of who he is and that we cannot do things without him and that's one thing that people have to realize as just I think President Trump realized the other day that he had secret service but they could not protect him. We have a nation that needs to be protected, needs to be saved by almighty God and almighty God alone. People cannot rely on election and I I say that a lot. I want to keep saying it. You can't rely on election to save us. We to rely on almighty God and I'm going to give out to you today a prophecy I actually gave up early this morning I got it on early Sunday morning about a shake up in the Republican Party as well and I just gave it to somebody that we know because things are massive there God keeps telling us not to put our guard down. Things look one way when they're really another and people are trying to infiltrate him politically and spiritually and it's on a massive massive scale that we could not have imagined. So the enemy is not done trying to stop this nation every way and even if President we know he's going to get in whether it's election or whether it's restoring what he should have had in the last election we have to know the enemies are out there in full force trying to do everything they can to stop him and that's infiltrating even the Republican Party and his spiritual advisers that he would have next to him wow I can't wait to hear that word because just this week I was told that there was a traitor among in his among him and a Republican that's around you. Well, that would been a warning that I gave to our mutual friend. I think I talked about that last week. I actually had given it to him right before he went to the Republican National Convention. I said, this is what you need to hear right now because there was somebody right next to him to President Trump and there's a people that are inside of that convention but also the committee, the Republican National Committee and they are there to take them out internally. Uh so, I gave him that prophetic word immediately right before he left. I actually was talking to him on the phone this morning about this word I said, you know, I was trying not to bombard him with prophecies I said but they're so intense and they're so detailed and there's so many things that we have to know right now what's going on and God is telling us this is not time to rely on human reasoning in our intelligence. We have to rely on the intel from almighty God. That's right. Well, and so what I was told a couple days ago, maybe that was Monday, Sunday or Monday, I can't remember. All come to run together. Um Vivik Russell Swami came out. I I he wasn't I don't know if he knew he was on camera or not but he was being taped and and it has gone public. He said the same thing that there was a traitor amongst him. President Trump. A Republican. He's he's very specific Republican. So why we're talking about this? I might as well just get this one out because and and I'm sure you'll have a lot to comment and say about this prophetic word. Um I have so many screens up so I gotta find out where I hid where I hid it. Okay so this one I gave out this morning but I heard it on Sunday morning. Uh this whole entire prophecy is extremely extremely important. I'm only going to read the parts right now that I know that I need to give out right the second. One of the things he state was whistle blowers are coming yes but it still isn't enough for the full changing of the guard. You need me for that. My children the old guard is more desperate than ever to get rid of President Trump and to get rid of this movement that he has begun. That has begun. I will expose a ones in the right that are connected ever so deeply to the left and are so closely to my David. They're trying to move in closer to take another shot in another way at him but they will not gain access as they suppose. I am halting the ones that are trying to get next to him to take out my David. Not only politically but trying to save him spiritually. There is a warning to those who say they are called by my name and who look like they that like you from me are they look like they From me but you are not. The more you move forward with the plans you have to get close to my David, the more you will be exposed not only to my David and his family but I will expose you to the world. That you are not from me. Many of you have tried to sabotage my chosen children but your efforts were nothing and then he goes on exposing more of the body of Christ, the deep fakes and what they're going to try to to do. God said even said he's overturning the the tables just like he did in his word and because of the so much things been going on in the body of Christ. So then I want to jump down to what he says specifically to the Republican Party. He says to the Republican Party, I'm about to shake you free from the traitors if you let me. Don't comply the lies you've been told and accept things you shouldn't or allow things you don't believe in. Listen to the ones who want you to compromise on your beliefs or platforms that you they are wolves. They are there to make you fall. They are there to infiltrate you. They are there to spy, to take you down and to weaken you. Don't look to other Gods. Look to me. I'm the only one you will see that can be trusted. I'm the most high and I I will totally set you free. Just let me in so you can win. And then he goes on to say I told this to my David and I'm telling you politics and policies must change to save your nation. I'm warning you do not compromise. Do not give in to the pressure you feel. I am bigger than the threats and the backlash. Don't fall for because of it of money. Listen to me now because the party of the red I will separate you or separate from you all the blue that has gotten inside of you. I will destroy the roots of the swamp and and has penetrated in your midst. Great shaking is coming to free you from what is from what has been within. Change is coming to your party and to this nation in a major way. Say it the lord. Wow. It goes on but that's the part I really wanted to really get into the day of what he's saying to the public and Republican Party in the spiritual aspect of a spiritual and political. People are just looking to political and they can't. They got to look to both and pray about both. So it sounds like He's got a spy inside the Republican Party trying to get after him and also a a bad Oreo that is pretending to be of God to get at him as well. Mm hmm. There's a lot and there's there's more than one person. So, there's multiple different people and and they have like multiple different reasons why they're there. So, if they can't get them in one direction, they're going to be in another direction. So, it's on all fronts. It's almost like they're being surrounded by the enemy from within. Again, whether it's or whether it's spiritual. There's people that are there now spiritually that had to be removed. There's people there now politically that had to be removed. There's people that now just like the Lord is saying the more you I think I read that part of the prophecy and if I haven't I'm going to go back and read that part because this is something that's really really important in the body of Christ he says right here I think I didn't read it about them being exposed because it was people that were moving more forward Where is it at now? Yeah. So there's more moving forward with their plans the more you get close to my David the more you will be exposed. So he's saying there's people now that are spiritually trying to get close to him or politically that are trying to get close to him but he's really he's talking about spiritual. But I mean it really does mean both. But this right here is talking about spiritual. The more you go close to him and you go with the plans that you have for him the more you will be exposed. Wow. It's the time of exposure. Well, you and I were talking on Saturday and I think I mentioned our phone call. I I had a whistle blower come forward and was very concerned about President Trump that speech on Saturday at Van Andel Arena and Grand Rapids. And all you have to do is follow the money. Who owns Van Andel Arena. Amway Grand Rapids Republican Party people that are not friends with President Trump. So I think it's all connected. They really concerned. I remember I was in prayer all Saturday making sure just praying. I just a matter of fact we we live streamed his his his his the rally from Van Handels. 20, 000 people and I I was just like it's okay you're done now. President Trump get off stage. Get off stage. Get off stage. I was praying to get him off stage quick because this person usually doesn't throw an alert like that but they were really concerned about that arena in Grand Rapids. There should be again he has to realize just because like they're trying to tell him now to not do outdoor stadiums. They're trying to tell him only to do indoor but indoors are not going to be safe either because when you have the secret service that is compromised. You have the FBI's compromised. You have the entire government that's compromised. Uh you know you can't really trust anybody. And that's what God was kept telling him and kept giving him words. Uh and that's why I was even telling our mutual friend I was like I keep getting prophetic words and prophetic warnings more than I ever have Before regarding President Trump and to pay attention to what God is saying because he's put a lot of faith in people and he can't put faith in people. Because people are still there to destroy him. There's people that are there of it. And again in all aspects that are there to bring him down because they're part of this establishment. They are part of like they want it one way. They want their money. They want their power and he's going to destroy that because God's destroying it. And so this is a time right now where this is a word that Lord gave me. I just read you and the title of it is don't let your guard down. Wow. And that means for President Trump, that means for the body of Christ and that means for anyone that is in the Republican Party, you cannot put your guard down. This is where he had to put more guards up. This is where you have to let be pressing more into God what God is saying and not a version of him and not just what anybody is saying and then after I heard this word, I actually had somebody tell me on the phone today about somebody who is the one who controls what ministries are next to President Trump. It's it's not good. Wow. So we we are we're in the middle of a prayer call and I got that phone call and so we started to pray about that even more and I was told a little bit of something about it yesterday and then I was told a full story of it yesterday this morning and it was wow and I said, well, you know what? We're right now in a prayer call and this is exactly right now what we're doing is we are praying this these people down that is that's a wall that's built up because they don't want the right people. They're going to allow the wrong people in but they're going to trust this liaison person to not get the right people in. Well, That was today? Yeah I talked to some that person on the phone today. I just spoke to somebody this morning today too that has nothing to do with anything but is very good friends with Don Junior. Matter of fact he's going to get Don Junior on. Uh so I better be careful how I say this. Um I'll just say that he's very close with them. Uh the the the Trump's Don Junior's especially and he did mention that they're putting their guard up closer and closer and closer to make sure that they are protected. They don't know who they can But there are people there that they are trusting is what the Lord was saying and they shouldn't be. Yeah. So and it's and especially some spiritual people and I don't know who's spiritually around them. I truly do have no clue in the world. I didn't ask God that. Um but when I heard of this person that is like the liaison to all ministries and I found out what this person was and what he's about I I don't even know what to say right now. I just I just I don't and I'm like, well, this is the reason why God was warning and has been warning but he specifically said it. So, I actually said it. I actually said this prophetic word to the mutual friend. I said, you have to hear this prophetic word. You have to know this prophetic word because this is what God is saying. There is people that are still there and they need to have their guard up and they need to start praying to God have God reveal to them what is really going on because this is this is still a mess. It's it literally there's a lot of awesome things about the the National Convention. I mean, I tell you that. It was. There was a lot of good things about the Republican National Convention. A lot of people were mentioning God. There's a lot of amazing things but Satan's very subtle. Yeah. And he's very conniving and manipulating this and deceiving and so there's still roots that are deeply rooted in there that are trying to make them compromise and change the course of where they should be to where the enemy wants them to be. Well, we gotta keep praying that they're going to be aware of this. Um the conversation today was a good sign. Uh at least they they they're acknowledging that they're putting their guard up. Um something came across this week too about that. Oh we were we were going to have its summit. Camp David Summit in August. And based on in in inside sources Intel said we shouldn't do it until maybe September time frame because something imminent is about to hit. Not really surprising. I have a feeling it it's if it's not before the Democratic National Convention it depends on how this thing goes. This is what the Lord was been really dealing with me about. Um if the whole replacement of the Biden which I will get into because even though they are trying to use Kamala the Lord has been saying since 2021 that's not his replacement. Um it looks like it's she's or his replacement right now. That's just appeasing people right this second. They're going to backstab her. She's got Target on her back and because the polls aren't going to show near what they want. She's going to start saying things that she doesn't want to say. She's going to start doing things that people are going to get very angry about. There's already again you have an Obama camp and you have the Kamala camp and I he's not for Kamala as far as I know. Nope. Um and you have a lot of people that are not for her. There is a there's a civil war inside the Democratic Party and the Lord had actually given me a prophetic word. Uh regarding that that there is a massive civil war in that party and you can actually see it. But I I had given out so many different prophetic words I've had to give out process being fulfilled. I can even make videos fast enough because how many of the words that the Lord is saying that are coming to pass from years and years and years ago about Biden's removal. And then he also had given one a couple months ago about an underlying health problem that they did not know about and guess there was an underlying health problem last week. Yep. Uh maybe maybe two. There was one in July that you had a prophetic word on and and that that he was it was on Air Force One and then yes it's public now that he had another episode in Las Vegas. And then they said it was COVID and the sources say it wasn't COVID. It was far more serious than COVID. Matter of fact it's public now because Las Vegas police were involved and they were going to take him to a hospital. Emergency hospital and then they decided to send him to Mayo Clinic I think is what the public story is. Um and then he disappears for 5 days. And people didn't know proof of life and then he calls in with Kamala which is very bizarre. One of the most best analysts of voice and AI came out and said it was a 99% chance that that voice in that call was AI not him. Exactly. But God said he was going to expose them more on live TV. And he's exposing them more on live TV. It's it's very entertaining what's happening because they think they're smarter than we are. And we are so catching on to them. So this is from and I read this earlier today to people because again people didn't realize this was going on. Or you know they heard his prophetic words. This is from February 11th. And it says there's an underlying health problem that they do not see but soon the world will know without the deep state being able to hide it. This will take place live for the world to see not only for the fall of the Biden but also for the fall of the Democratic control and the deep state control. One fall after another they think by letting the Biden go they will save themselves but it will be the exact opposite. It will cause them fall faster. So as you already seen there was a coup against him which I also have a prophecy fulfilled regarding a coup and because there ever thought a coup against President Trump and there was a coup against President Trump but guys also talked about in prophecy that these are the days of Haman. And so when you do something to somebody and you think that you're not going to get it back onto you against Sea Time and Harvest and you will actually get it back. So I want to read this to you once I find it here. Oh and then our prophecy being fulfilled is the twenty-fifth amendment. Yeah. They're doing this. He's been talking about this since June already is is I think before that Bill this is just the one I have pulled up right now. June 28th 2022. The Biden is not done falling. Another fall will be seen and reported on. This one will be one that they can't excuse the way. My children listen to the number forty-five. Oh yes it's being discussed on how to do how to do it and when? 25 Lord. Yes the twenty Amendment. The next news by the globalists will be obvious they are letting the Biden fall. So people think just because they are they you know stopped him from the candidates or the running for candidate as in the next presidential election doesn't mean they're done with letting him go. They're not. They're actually they're going to use the 25th amendment or it's going to be this underlying problem health problem that they're not going to be able to stop because that's what God said. And of course there are people Calling out a coup. So they're calling out Democratic and Republican. They're calling for the 25th amendment. Like I said there's probably five, six, seven prophecies on the 25th amendment. But this is the prophecy that I wanted you to hear. This is from August 7th or I actually heard it on the fourth August 4th 2023. And it says the Washington DC establishment is crumbling. Their walls are falling. The great shaking underneath of them and they do not they cannot do no. They can do Nothing to stop their demise. No nothing. A great collision is coming to of damage any power that they have left. A collision of two sides that were really on the same side and the fear of loss of power is getting to so many who are trying to stay in these positions. They will stop at nothing. They will turn on each other to save themselves. Then later on this prophecy. A great coup is about to fully be exposed. Another coup is about to take plague in a nation you wouldn't expect. Well one of the coups are going to be brought down was a coup against President Trump and the one coup that people didn't see and weren't expecting was a coup that they were going to do against Biden. And they even are calling it a coup of removal because they actually threatened him was the 25th amendment to step down. Wow. It it it truly is too because this is falling apart your prophetic word. Uh just the last actually today Black Lives Matter came out against Kamala Harris. Uh they I believe they said the word coup. This is Black Lives Matter. It's it they wanted to keep Joe Biden in. AOC said it was a coup. Um this was like two 2 days ago. Um Kamala Harris numbers are plummeting. Uh they she tried to run from the title borders are said I I didn't have anything to do with the borders are except they got videos now where President Trump our President or Joe Biden made her bizarre. So this whole thing is falling apart fast. Fast. Do you want to know how fast the Lord's the the words are coming to pass. So I heard this word on the 20th of July. Now I gave it out on Monday. Cuz the 20th of July was a Saturday. And it actually took the day off. I I mean I still pray and study and stuff like that. This is what he said Woe to you Kimberly Sheetle. You think you can hide behind the establishment that they will protect you and keep you safe in the position of power but you have and considered me. I will remove you. The choice is not yours to stay there. The pressure is building and the evidence is coming to expose you the ones who gave you the directions. A collapse is coming for the bureaucrats running your agency. Oh yes, I'm also going to clean out the secret service of traders and I will start with you. Kimberly Truth is coming with no way of stopping it she was removed by the next day well not only removed but first of all she came back on Monday just saying I'm not going to resign and just made the press conference even worse and anybody after Monday or before Monday we think she there's no way she's going to resign but there was so much backlash the only time you did get Republicans and Democrats decide was against her to call Raskin and Comer both jointly said she needs to resign and obviously she just resigned the part about Kamala Harris that I think flew under the radar yesterday. We gotta watch this. President Trump did a emergency lawsuit about the FEC regards to the campaign dollars that Kamala is going to be using for Joe Biden. She got $81 million dollars in the first twenty-four hours and they go through Act Blue. Act Blue has been known to money launder. So now you're opening up whole Pandora's box of she could be involved in money laundering through Act Blue. This Things going to get it's going to get insane. It it is because the like you we've been saying forever. The House of Culture cards are falling and the dominoes have already started to fall. Their foundation is what God has been talking about. Their foundation, their walls of protection just like the walls of Jericho are coming down. So all these sayings that used to all their assets they have all their crime agencies that they have for protection and their judges and their laws and all the things that they're doing. All these false safes are falling apart. It's not going to work anymore. And so you think about that for a minute. He said he told me on Saturday. It came in on Monday and I'm sort of thinking it could take a month or two. It took twenty-four hours since the time I actually gave it online for it to happen and I was like I just started like shouting. I'm like Lord that was so fast because she was digging in her heels saying I ain't going anywhere but that part of that prophecy he was very specific because he said He said you think you can hide behind the establishment. They that they will protect you and keep you safe of your position but you haven't considered me. I will remove you and the choice is not yours to stay there. So she was thinking that she was going to have a Democrats on her side. Yeah. And I heard I think for my yeah it was my husband Chris. He even said that there he watched a clip. I haven't seen it. Of AOC going after her. She did. AOC above any people but AOC was also one is on the side of Biden. I don't think she's on the Obama she didn't want him stepping down so I think that's the reason why she went off the way she went off I don't know I didn't see it that would have been very comical because she's usually unhinged for the wrong reasons I I I think it's funny that she was unhinged for the right reasons well if you would have told me on Sunday or the day you got this prophetic word which we talked on Saturday that Raskin and Comer would agree after that hearing with the with with her the director of the Secret Service that they come together and call her to resign I would said there is no chance. No chance that would ever happen and it happened. I'm still can't believe Raskin did that. You know there are people at both like the side of the Democrats right now. There is a like I said there is a civil war going on. Looks like I've seen some of the the real polls. I mean President Trump is just beating the tar out of her. And then you have polls was I was actually kind of shocked when I seen Fox News come out and said that you know she's has a better rating than Biden did against him that are polls against him. I started laughing. I said she had like zero delegates. When she ran in twenty twenty. Yep. And with her reputation there is nothing good about it. So what we're going to start seeing is that polls are going to start really slipping with her because she's going to start saying things again and it's going to really start ticking people off. There's going to be more of an infight and she's going to make people mad and so the the polls are going to fall just like they was Biden they're going to realize before the Democratic National Convention they can't use her either. So then they have to have to figure out something else and so once they figure out they figure out something else then it's no holes barred. It's going to be I think a lot of things are going to start happening against the country because they realize no matter who they choose as what God said. No matter who you choose you lose. Exactly. Who they going to choose? You know I think somebody Michelle Obama is a choice. Hillary Clinton's a choice. Uh I think Americans are awake now with Michelle Obama who that person truly is. What what she is or he and that is going to backfire big time. So you know there was they're playing videos of and I didn't know this video was out there. It's 200 seven of Joe Biden running against Barack Obama and he he did a sly way of of of accusing Barack that he was maybe homosexual at the time. And it nobody paid attention that. And now that's coming back more and more and more. We we hear it all the time. Tucker Carlson did a piece on that not too long ago. So with with Michelle Obama the truth about her that Hillary Clinton in WikiLeaks and all the information they have on her. Good luck on that one too. Whoever it is is going to be exposed beyond belief. So remember and I have not given this one out yet. I think this will be will be for tomorrow. Uh remember we were talking couple weeks ago when the Lord had given a prophetic word about skeletons in the closet. Yep. Uh of the Biden that was going to be released thought that was very interesting. Well, now he's been talking about that there's been there's going to be skeletons in many different faucets of many different politicians, the war is on. So, I think once they start like releasing exposures on a certain person and a certain other person on the other side is going to start releasing that and I think it's going to be a war of who can expose the most the fastest because they're realizing God even said the handwriting is on the wall for their destruction and they are going to come down. I mean, it it's factual. Guy even said that he's bringing the establishment down. He's tearing them apart and we're seeing the you know the infight and then and then tearing themselves apart. So but you can't look past the Republican Party. And you can't get comfortable and say everything is good. Everything is fine. Uh all you know hunky dory over here and there's nothing to look at. That's not what God's saying at all. Yeah. So even though you're looking to the establishment and you're looking to see them faltering and falling you have to realize that the establishment is bedded itself into the his camp already and into his inner circle and spiritual Circle. So I mean it's it's a big thing and I tell people today this is something that you need to stop. Don't put your guard down. Don't stop fighting. These are start fighting more and more and more for the truth to come out because we need the protection of President Trump but we really need is what Satan is stopping is trying to stop is him President Trump actually hearing the words from God. Not a version of it. Not a a look alike, not an infiltrator because there's many but this is something that he needs to hear specific things that only God would know that can help him with the situations that he's facing at hand because these are the things he's going to run into like you we talked about a wall or you said that they kind of were on a pause. They're not going to keep moving forward the way God needs them to unless they're hearing from the right people. Yeah, I I I feel strongly that pause is is no longer. Um I believe he's getting it. Speaking of that today you just you have to follow President Trump. Uh he's always three steps ahead of the ahead of the curve. He sent out a bizarre retruth or truth today about Catherine Oxenberg about her book. Well her book didn't her book came out in two thousand eighteen. It's 2000 twenty-four. Why did he bring this up? So the whole scenario around that is what we've been talking the 17 scandals. Nexium. Nexium is not over. And I believe that's why he reach he truth that out. It's about to keep people to understand Nexum. There are some prominent politicians and and also with the cartel that are going to expose or Nexum is going to expose them and I think we're right on the doorstep of that happening. We're right on the doorstep. I actually got a very, very powerful word this morning is there's going to be a major implosion in the FBI. Major. Uh I haven't dictated this one out yet so it's still in my notebook. But I'll just read you a couple. I'm not getting this out yet. I just heard it early this morning. Woe to those in the FBI, the CIA, and the swamp of DC. You can run but you can't hide. You think you you are above the law because you truly believe you are the law. You control the law but you don't. You have embedded yourselves in every form of this government to get away with your crimes against this nation and the American people. Well, you can't get away from me and I am justice and justice will be so and it goes on. So you're going to start seeing more and more things come out about the FBA that they cannot hide. And a lot of this is because what set this in motion is that they have been part in our part of the assassination attempt of our rightful president which we just saw a couple weeks ago. So this is going to be like a landslide of events. Just how when you know we talked about what happened with the debate. How the Lord had me come out of that prayer closet or that prayer time with my prayer team to come out and say that debate was all set up against President Trump and actually Biden followed by his own sword. It'd be a landslide for his removal. That came to pass with less than a month. Yep. We already saw it. They already removed him from the ballot. Now they're going to remove him from the actual president itself. Whether or not they get to remove him or something else removes him that is yet to be seen because God's saying again there's something really going on there with his health. Uh that they cannot control and they cannot stop. So something's going to happen to him that they will not be able to stop. No matter what they use for medication. They will not be able to hide it. They will not be able to stop it but I don't think they really want to. Uh they're just trying to see what's going on with Kamala first. Um but this was going to start the downhill slide of the FBI and the basically implosion of the bureaucrats controlling what comes out of that agency and the and the crimes that they're hiding for the establishment. Well it's already started just John Solomon and just the news reported today that the FBI was talking about the wrong whistleblower about a case. So that is is starting to come out. They they picked somebody that wasn't the right guy. And that's not good. Either the FBI Director Ray refused to testify on the assassination attempt. And I'm told this morning that more information's coming out about Governor Whitmer case and the involvement of the FBI. You said Whitmer. Whitmer. Yep. Some call her name. She's a She's Michigan right? Yep. She's the one that had 8645 behind her. Not too long ago. You know what the term 86 means to kill? Why would she say killed forty-five? She's she did? Yes. Yep. Yeah. There's a video. I'm going to give you this prophetic word. This is from February 12th of 2022. Let me this one's called let's see here. Eruptions and explosions are taking place at one time. I would say we are definitely at that moment in time right now. Um this is the one he also talks about Brad Raethensberger and this one. There's not they're not done in Georgia. No that just came out last week. He's cooked in the squad. Let's see here. They did he did talk about because Whitmer's Michigan governor right? Yep. Or no. Yeah. She yes. Yeah. So why is it here it is. Whitmer. Gretchen Whitmer. You are being exposed for the Jezebel you are. You held your state captive for power and money which you padded your pockets with. I will expose you and everything you did that night of 2020 election. Every county, every ballot, every all the servers, the flash drives and we brought to the light and along with exposing your partner in crime Jocelyn Benson. You bought you both will take a fall from power and be tried for treason. Every person with you and helped you and refuse to repent you'll be tried as well. Your days are numbered and your number is about to run out. So he mentioned Gretchen Whitmer and exposers as she is the Jezebel which is manipulator and the deceiver and that she held her state capitol or she held her state captive. Well then he also talks in the same pair or the same prophecy right above the New York governors being exposed for who she really is and she the Jezebel and a witch sent to enslave you from and then your mayor in New York City will be exposed so he goes on he mentions a lot about Whitmer in this prophecy and about exposing her as Jezebel he talks about the governor of New York City and the New York City mayor he mentions Gavin Newsom there I think he said there was a a time where there's a fall of the governors Wow. That the governor of New York today has just announced that somebody within his organization the FBI just raided today. And I can't remember the person's name. It was she looked Chinese but said it was a it was it was treasonist. So that was a FBI raid today on one of the governor of New York's inner circle. Wow. Well, God's been saying this for years and there is many different prophecies regarding the governor Hockel or Hotel or Hochel Hochel I think his name is. Uh he's had a lot of different prophecies on her and about bringing her down and the mayor of New York City. So, it's not just the governor. It's the mayor and I know there's been some exposures on him as well. Yup. Um he's they think they've gotten away with it but they so have not. I remember when Cuomo, wasn't Cuomo the governor of New York, right? Yes. Yeah. He was the governor of New York and God also talked about him and his exposure and God said he was being brought down and removed and it wasn't going to be his choice and he was brought down and it was removed and it wasn't his choice. So, any person that God is mentioning as governors and even the people that have already stepped down, they think they're out of trouble, they are so not and that includes Doug Ducey out of Arizona. God is not done exposing that man. God is not done exposing Katie Hobbs that is there. God is not done exposing Brian Kemp who is in Georgia who is also owned by the CCP who is a treasonous traitor to this country. Uh he's not done with Brad Rathensberger. So you're going to see a lot of governors and a lot of Secretary of States. God is not done with the twenty20 election. I don't care for we're you know only months and months away from this next election. When you have stolen elections God is saying stop moving to the next one and go back to the one that was stolen because you don't need another election to restore your right for president. First of all, we need a political reset because as God is showing us, there are people everywhere on both sides of the aisle that need to be removed. Well, speaking of that, that's cloud Crowd Strike IT. They said the largest IT outage in world history. Uh one of the things that nobody's really talking about is Maricopa County early voting that particular day and the and the machines wouldn't work. I thought they told us the machines weren't connected to the internet. Now we're finding out that CrowdStrike is closely tied to Dominion in Maricopa County. Maricopa County, all the provinces on Maricopa County, the board of supervisors. We were talking about this on Saturday. Yup. Part of the thing that I was talking to you about. God has been saying rolling blackouts, grounding of planes, God's been saying about internet. He's been saying about businesses, it's not business as usual and Friday, wasn't it, I think it was Friday. No, it was Monday of last week. Was one of the biggest disruptions globally of airplanes, airports, hospitals, nine one one services. You know what's funny to me because we've all of a sudden just like around here in Iowa we had where our 911 was service was down. And I heard in other different states at 911 was down. And then during that Monday that also or was no it was Friday of last week. Sorry it was Friday. Yeah. Cuz we talked on Saturday so it's kind of messing me up on days. But all that was down. And it's funny how why all of a sudden is our 911 emergency services being messed with so much and because of what's about to come. They don't want people to be able to call nine one one. That's right. Remember the company called Erickson. They're the ones that control nineone one and our nine 911 all over the place. Erickson are bad or else. Delta Airlines still is not back up and running from that. Uh they've had more outages in the last five days than all of two thousand eighteen, nineteen, and twenty. Just in the last 5 days. Crazy times. It's going to get worse I'm told. Alright we're going to take a break and we'll be right back after this. Alright, we're back. We're talking about crowd strike in the Friday Delta Airlines, the worst outage in five days. The last 5 days, they had more cancelled flights and I'm told as of today, Delta is not back up and running yet completely. Uh more than 2008 and two thousand nineteen, 2018 and 2019. For the whole year in 5 days. That's how severe it is and I'm told by several sources. After we got off the phone together on Saturday, I think it was on Sunday and Monday. Uh they said be prepared. Get out of the stock market if you have anything in stocks. Uh have have water food not to be frightful but they believe it's it's eminent that this is the highest alert that they've they've they've ever had and these are people that I've known a long time that do not jump into fear and they just they they're not irrational people. They're very level headed and they were very matter of fact. They weren't fearful. They just said this is what you gotta do. It's coming. So, it is coming and we've been praying about it because we want people to wake up because this is the time to really really wake up and pray Uh so I'm just going to give you at least one of these because I know I've given some of these so I want don't want to go over all of them but this is something that God said back in May 25th of 2023. And it says a weeding out of evil in your nation has begun. I love his titles. I will tell you not only these people his prophetic words but they're his titles. He's the one who names them. Well I'll sit there and I'll pray into it after your prophetic word. I'll pray into it. Sometimes I get it right away. Sometimes I don't. Uh but he's one who gives the titles. But anyway. Well he is the author the word. Yeah. Yeah he is. And so this one it says right here. But great judgement is coming. The weather will appear abnormal. Well I will tell you that already is very abnormal especially in our area. Yep. And out of control. Earthquakes will ramp up in various locations. Governments will fall apart which we've seen a lot of governments since then. There will be chaos in many countries worldwide which there are. Uh they will try to release another virus on the world and they will try to continue to take your freedoms away. There'll be chaos in More shortages and more inflation. Planes will be grounded again but in a bigger way. Now we've seen planes grounded at least four or five times since this prophetic word and he says transportation in many ways will seem to seem to cease and the blackout that I have continuously told you about will take place. That was a foreshadowing of the blackout that's going to be greater. These are just like I would say right before like a major eruption of an of of an earth or a volcano. You're going to have a little bit of rumblings before the volcano erupts. Also with when you Have a an earthquake and a major earthquake. A lot of times you'll have a little bit of a rumble and stuff before a major earthquake. This is where we are now. We're seeing little rumblings. Yeah. We're seeing a little things saying, look, I've citizen my word. It's getting some people's attention because it's the prophecy is being proven and it's being proven that God is speaking these things but there's still some people who are you know, not wanting to listen and you know, prophets aren't this and that blah blah blah but God is saying, no, no, no, look that's why he's saying so many different things on such a continual basis. Um here's another one. This is really interesting because this is also in this prophecy not only talks about planes being grounded but it also says the fall of the Biden this is December 12th twenty twenty-one. Uh sing My Canary Sing. A lot of people are going to start singing because the pressure is on. In these coming days and weeks, the Canary will sing from the rooftops crumbling the puppet show and all the all the ways they plan to save themselves. No, there is no way out of this mess but the puppet masters or anyone who played a part in this show or in the production of this filth. Now, they will speak on live on camera and say things they didn't plan to say and I will change their words so brace yourselves my children. Really quick. Do you know what Biden called Obama? No. He called him the puppet master. Did he really? Yes he did. You want Guysman? So my sister does the props to fulfill the law with my assistant Natasha. And my sister had 86 of a puppet and puppet. I think it was puppet master. And then there was a ton other ones of of the puppet. So the puppet master is Obama and the elites. Okay? The puppet is Biden and you know all these other people but mostly it's Biden. These things are they literally said it that he was Biden said he was the puppet master and basically he was forcing him out. Yeah. It was shocking that he actually said puppet master and I was like so okay Biden if you are the puppet and he's a puppet master. You just gave to the world that you are not in control. Yep. So that's what I said. Major prophecies. It is a craziest thing that I've seen because before there's like one every once in a while you know one or two a week. It's like major ones every single day the last couple weeks. And we've been talking about things intensifying. Oh my goodness. Can you imagine getting more intense and I'm told they're going to get much more intense. Going back to what you said about the puppet master. Even President Trump I don't remember who he did an interview with this is the last probably 48 hours. He said that about Obama. He said Obama was I don't know if you use the word puppet master but basically the same thing about Biden and that he didn't need to escort him off stage with George Coloney the way he did and he did it on purpose to make or Biden look weaker. Mhm. Yeah. They're turning on each other. Yeah. Because you know those two I'm going to say there's a such a massive infight with those two because they both have dirt on each other. They do. That's why this is going to get very very interesting before all this goes away. Because you have again you have people that are still mad in our government that Biden stepped down. They didn't want him to step down. They want a mistake because they didn't want Kamala. Right. Then you have people who did want Kamala. And then you have who wants neither one which God has been saying in the prophecy since twenty twenty-one. They don't want either either one. But look what the very very interesting about Kamala. This is from December of 2021. Same one I just gave you earlier. Watch Kamala as she's about to erupt. Watch. She can barely contain herself and her feelings. She will say things on TV that they never thought she would. She knows they betrayed her and she can feel the knife in her back. Watch her face change because the anger and the fear she feels because she is tormented daily wondering when her life be taken from her. She has nothing else to fear. So, watch as she starts making statements. Watch her body language. She is erupting and the eruption will be great. When they start to fall, we'll all fall to the ground and will cause a massive earthquake. You are about to hear a big one and people all over the Earth will take notice. They they hid earthquakes from you and Yellowstone has a secret that's about to be reveal reveal what they're have been hiding. Now, we know I have another prophecy about a major eruption that will get the world's attention and there was a massive geyser it was a biscuit geyser or whatever it was called. That was exploded yesterday. Yeah. While people were actually right there. So again another prophecy being fulfilled. I I think it's interesting how he mentions Yellowstone. But when she realizes that she she thinks right now that she has these delegates in the bag and she has you know she's going to get this nomination and they're going to pull it out from underneath her feet. Oh they are. People think that she she's just going to go in and skate through this. No that's that's why my sources say they believe Something major is going to happen before the DNC event but it's not a foregone conclusion that she's just going to she's going to go through that. That's why this Act Blue thing is a is a pretty big deal because Project Veritas exposed them and there's more whistle blowers going coming forward the last couple days. Basically in a nutshell, what they were doing is billionaires were sending money because there is dollar allotments that you can't you can't you're not supposed to give above. And they were spreading it through people, all these names of people. So, they take a billion dollars for example and then spread it through a billion different names to get underneath that that dollar amount and these people are coming back and saying, I never donate this money to Act Blue. So, there's an investigation going right now. Cool. God said follow the money. Yep. He's been saying that for a long time because we've been talking about that more than once on here. Follow the money because the money and the council is what's going to start giving them more away because they are so arrogant and they are so prideful and this is something we talked about before when the enemy has its clause and something so deep and they have their roots so so in there's so many different things. They think that they have it in the bag and everything's going to be fine when actually that that's when they come more desperate they make more mistakes so that's when they start to fall more. So here's another one another prophecy that goes along with all this. This is January 6th of 20 twenty-four. It's called unusual things will start to take place in the White House. Well I would say a lot of unusual things have been taking place in the White House especially when they are telling us you know you have White House staffers that are saying they can't get next to Biden. You have people saying that he's only working ten to four because he can't work past that. Um you're you're seeing all these different things going to come out but we're going to start seeing more and more things that he's supposedly back there. Uh and I find it interesting to Before I read this, they showed him walking up the big stairs. Yeah. To the Air Force One. He hasn't used those stairs in a very long time and as bad as he is and as sick as he is, why would they have him choose those stairs? And it's funny to me because he's only been using the shorter ones because he could not walk. So, I don't know if that was and I'm not trying to, you know, be a conspiracy theorist but I don't know if that was real footage or not. Well, it's funny that you say that because somebody I won't say their name because I don't have permission but they are not into conspiracy theory. I believe they're even a Democrat actually said the same thing. They said that's that that's not real Joe just that happened because he and she's a doctor too that said this. She says there's no way if he had this condition that that's him and he walked up those stairs. She said it's not him. No. It no. So this prophecy I I just I don't but I think it took him so long to get somebody else to fill in for him but this is a temporary thing because I they're going to get rid him no matter what. Um this is January 6th 20 twenty-fourand it this is part of it and it says watch the next steps the left takes to remove the Biden. And Kamala. It will shock you how fast they will get rid of them. Massive infighting has grown in the White House and great animosity for one another and their staff because they're rebelling and wanting them both removed. A plot to remove them is about to be seen. They have no more use for the Biden or Kamala. They know they have no chance of a victory and they cannot afford to lose this election or this control. And then it goes on to say unusual Things will start to take place in the White House. Listen to how the news media begins to talk about it to control the masses from rebelling even more. But it won't work. There will be a mass exes from the side of the left and and the desire for freedom will go in the hearts of Americans like never before. The awakening for a great uniting in this land has started. Oh United States I'm setting you totally free saith the Lord. So again that was January. Long before talked about and removing him and obviously we just saw his removal. There are so many prophecies. We actually did one prophecy fulfilled with a lot of them. We're going to do another prophecies fulfilled video with more because God's been talking about Biden's removal since December of twenty twenty-one. Wow. And Kamala. He's always mentioned her name along with it. Uh incredible. Well, we'll see him tonight or somebody tonight who's supposed to speak at eight o'clock Eastern to to the United States and about why he's he's not going to run but going back to this Act Blue FTX. Remember FTX was the munnering laundering scheme that went through Act Blue to the Democratic Party through Ukraine which our taxpayer dollars went to Ukraine through those servers. That's where crowd strike hit again on Friday and then President Trump Meets with Zelinski on Friday and Zelinski now says with President Trump coming into office he can see peace coming. That's not an accident. No it's funny. Okay. This is what I find very interesting and my team and I have been talking about this too because I have so many screens up. I'm trying to get the right one up. But yeah you have Zuckerberg even saying the other day live on air. You have him saying that President Trump was a bad and then the A word. Yep. Because he gets shot. He stands back up and he says fight fight fight. This is Zuckerberg. This is a person who used Zuckerberg's four hundred million dollars to steal a twenty twenty election. But remember and I know you will remember this. We were sitting in Idaho in the tent. When President Trump was told that he had to go to Air Force or we he had to go to Washington and he specifically said while he was in his golf he was still in his golf outfit. And with his ten HG and he had to fly to DC. To meet with who? Zuckerberg. Why was he meeting with Zuckerberg? And he even specifically said he met him in the White House and I was like and me and you looked at each other like did he seriously just say that? He did say. It was Zuckerberg. So I find that interesting. I truly believe that there was some type of deal that was probably made. Uh I don't know. And then you all of a sudden you have all these billionaires that are turning toward him. You have always it was like billionaires somewhere out of California. Yep. Uh although the wine wine guy or something I don't remember. And he was also giving all his money. You have Elon Musk that's promised him $200 million. You have all these people turning to him. And then you have President Trump meeting with Selinski, meeting with Bibi, meeting with the other heads of nations. Wouldn't you think if since he's at the rifle president yet, you know, if they think in their weird minds, wouldn't that be the Logan Act? It's supposed to be, they they got General Flynn for less. That's exactly. General Flynn had a a a perfectly appropriate. You should do this before coming in a month before they take office with the Russian ambassador and they call that the Logan Act. Here President Trump is meeting with Zelinski. He's got Bibi coming there I think today. Today or tomorrow. I can't I think it's tomorrow. Um and we got Kamala and Joe can't even meet with Biden or with Bibi. They can't even put our Secretary of State degree Benjamin Netanyahu coming off the plane. Is an embarrassment and then today BB is addressing Congress and Kamala refused to go because she's too concerned about the Palestinians and you see what the uproar in Washington DC right now is the real insurrection of Palestinians getting all over the capital building and we have New York City Police Department officers being sworn in as capital police officers there in the capital as we speak. You know it's funny. That's an insurrection. And that's definitely an insurrection compared to what it was on January 6th obviously. This is something that when we were doing our prayer call yesterday. The Lord had really put it on my heart. And I was very overwhelmed to pray for Benjamin and Yahoo. It was just like they they had plans against him. They're trying to take him out in some way some form. Uh because they hate him just as much as they hate Trump at times. Yep. So they don't want him. They don't like him. And now you see this against him. Now you're sitting there allowing seriously allowing protesters like this. Give me a break. You know all that is you know allowed by them. It's staged by them because they want to do things against him. But I feel like it was saved to his safety was in trouble now. I don't know for sure where this came out of was on somebody's telegram page. Um one of my team members gave it to me. I like I said I haven't seen this anywhere else but since anti-Israel protesters snuck in the Watergate Hotel where Nick Nyali was staying and released a mired of insects in the in the meeting room in mealworms and maggots and crickets. They also set off the fire alarms during that night so Nick and Young would not have no rest before his address to congress. Yep. Unbelievable. So I had noone else was going on obviously. Yesterday I got another prayer call and then I got on with Marty Grisham from Prayer yesterday during the ten I think it was a 10 o'clock hour when I did a live show and I said we had to pray. We just did an our private prayer call. I had to do this online because people ought to know of Benjamin Netanyahu and there's attacks against him and I don't know what else they're going to try but look what they're doing. I mean, they're trying to literally and you know they couldn't stop this stuff. They're harassing him and I don't know what else they're going to try to do against him but we stopped any type of death against him. We stopped any type of other threat that was against him because they are trying to take him out on our property, on our land, on our soil. And we had to really pray against it. So I tell everybody from his boring tip to also be lifting him up while he's here and even while he's back home because they're doing the same thing to him in Israel as they have done to President Trump here. That's another black eye on the Secret Service too. Where's the Secret Service to protect the Prime Minister of Israel. That should never have happened. Nobody should have been able to get into that building to get the those maggots and those crickets and do what they did. That that should never got a a thousand feet. I remember this was the Trump Hotel back in twenty twenty. I had a I was going to meet. I think with General Flynn. And it was so hard to get in there. Uh it was almost impossible. You almost had to get blood away. No they were shutting people down. And that's the same way it should be at the Watergate Hotel when Prime Minister's in there. There's no way they should be able to get in. No way. There's absolutely no way. The

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