Gaza's Water Crisis Just Got WEAPONISED by Israel

13 hours ago

Right, so following Joe Biden’s demands that Israel adhere to international humanitarian law with regards to aid getting into Gaza, or under the terms of the US Foreign Assistance Act all arms from the US will cease at the end of thirty days, Israel have apparently given an answer to that in so far as it’s ongoing recent atrocities in northern Gaza are concerned certainly, as it is now being reported – not in our mainstream media here in the UK obviously, but in foreign media - that as Israel continues to deny any aid whatsoever into that area and as people become more desperate, especially for water, that Israel are now booby trapping fake water barrels and totes that the IDF are deliberately leaving in the area in what basically amounts to laying human mousetraps, because they don’t contain water, instead they are packed with explosives.
Israel are weaponising hunger and thirst to a level beyond just blocking aid, they are now dangling lethal carrots in front of desperate people, not in the slightest targeting Hamas in such measures, but blatantly the innocent civilians of Gaza caught up in this, since Israel are doing this in the besieged refugee camp of Jabalia, where people have already been told to leave or die as they get treated as Hamas combatants. It seems Israel are hurrying up that process.
This is yet another war crime to add to the ever growing list attributed to Israel, and the excuses to not sanction them, not stop arming them, not stop supplying them with military aid or intelligence are growing ever more impossible to defend and politicians still doing so face an impossible to recover from reckoning for it.
Right, so the Jabalia refugee camp has been hammered incessantly, they’ve been targeted specifically since around the 4th of this month now, in an effort for Israel to begin delivering on it’s plans to clear the north of Gaza of all Palestinians, allegedly in the drive to stop Hamas reforming in the area, but the wider consensus, especially since we’ve seen the drawings, are that this is an area Israel wants cleared down as far as the Nevatim Corridor south of Gaza City, in order to create a large buffer zone, a militarised corridor, and longer term, an area for Israelis to settle.
As Israel has continued to strike Jabalia, a refugee camp full of Gazans who never fled south have clung on for the last year for various reasons, too ill or infirm, injured to move, or too impoverished as it was, and dozens more have died in repeated strikes over these past two weeks. Israel will say they’re targeting militants and it is militants that have died, but surely I don’t any longer need to point out what such statements are worth from the IDF any more do I?
It is also not news that aid is not getting into Gaza as it should be as is required under international humanitarian law, so much so that Joe Biden has given Israel 30 days to basically comply with letting aid in and more or he’s going to pull the plug on arming the genocidal apartheid state until they do. As I covered in a video yesterday though, he won’t be president in 30 days time, so he can pretty promise he likes right now and if he really meant it, he wouldn’t be giving them 30 days, he’d pull the weapons now until they comply. Kamala Harris or Donald Trump won’t be held to his pledges there.
Since the north became re-besieged earlier this month however, no aid at all has been getting in there. The situation is so dire, that Palestinian health officials are now crying out for humanitarian corridors to be opened up to the north’s 3 hospitals, Kamal Adwan, al-Awda and the Indonesian Hospital, to allow food, water, fuel and medical supplies to get to those locations, where the staff continue to work, amongst the very people who refused to leave the north, refused to leave their patients, but where two weeks of Israels renewed ground assault in the area has seen access to those hospitals cut off. Things are so dire at the Kamal Adwan hospital where some 300 medics continue to work, that they can no longer be supplied with a single meal to keep them going. The medical staff themselves are starving, impossible to sustain what they do without supplies. But this is Israel’s aim. They want the north cleared, they want Gaza City abandoned and uninhabitable behind the Nevatim Corridor buffer zone and then they plan to recolonise the north of Gaza as shown by this image I’ve used a time or two before, because this Israel’s endgame for Gaza. The yellow patch Gaza City, to be left in ruins, the large green space north of it to be recolonised and so it will continue south. They want Gaza, they want the West Bank, heck if you’ve been listening to Israel’s madman of a finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, he wants a Greater Israel extending all the way to Damascus in Syria, every bit of conquest done in the name of that land being theirs by divine right, an excuse they hide behind and too many western politicians bought with too much Israeli influence will defend utterly come what may. Zionists without qualification.
But speaking of our Zionist without qualification ruining this country right now, Keir Rodney Starmer and coming on to Israel’s reprehensible acts concerning water barrels: vid clip.
Yes, still waiting for that apology for saying Israel has the right to withhold water, has the right to commit war crimes, and as such I’m pretty sure that despite Starmer being a former human rights lawyer, a fact more likely to be met with a snort of derision than any notion he gives a damn about human rights any more, so the fact that the IDF are now apparently leaving water barrels out for the desperate people of northern Gaza, the people of the Jabalia refugee camp, but not filling them with water, but rigging them to explode upon approach instead, this is blatantly an act of attempted extermination. Dangled carrots, mousetraps for people, the analogies all work and it proof that as depraved and monstrous as the IDF have been, they can clearly still find new depths to plumb and a piece from Palestinian new outlet Quds News Network has exposed this latest brutal tactic against what will clearly be desperate civilians and not in any way can they be targeting Hamas specifically:
‘For the 12th consecutive day, Israeli forces have maintained a relentless siege on Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, cutting off access to food, water, and essential supplies. As thirst is growing in the refugee camp , reports have emerged that Israeli troops have placed water barrels in the refugee camp, not filled with water, but packed with explosives. These devices detonate upon approach, causing devastating explosions that destroy entire blocks within the camp, according to several journalists on the ground.
The situation in Jabalia has become increasingly dire as Israeli forces continue their assault. In addition to the explosive traps, Israeli soldiers have been systematically demolishing homes using remote-controlled explosive robots. The Gaza Government Media Office reported that Israeli forces have deliberately targeted civilians, preventing medical and rescue teams from retrieving the bodies of more than 75 victims. In the past eight days alone, over 285 residents of Jabalia have been killed in the bombardment.
The siege has led to widespread starvation and a growing humanitarian crisis. With no access to food or water, residents are facing severe malnutrition, compounded by ongoing airstrikes and ground attacks. Despite the dire conditions, Israeli forces continue to prevent the delivery of aid or medical assistance to the area.’
This is a refugee camp. It’s hardly the first time Israel have targeted these, they’ve done so relentlessly, it’s not even just in Gaza either, the assault on Jenin in the West Bank recently was on the refugee camp there too. The IDF are such massive immoral cowards, they always choose to punch down on the very weakest and they’re deliberately targeting them here, with booby trapped promises of water whilst also demolishing homes and in a little over a week, nearly 300 people in a refugee camp have been killed.
Israel are embarking on a thusfar two week long mission of starvation and extermination as weapons of war, a war they, as well and heavily armed as they are, are waging against civilians, against medics, women, children, because this is who they are.
I’m minded to remember how Israel assaulted this same camp months ago now with booby trapped promises of food, trucks filled with flour, but instead contained IDF soldiers who cut down the innocent where they stood. This time they’ve simply automated the process, rigging water vessels to blow upon approach. Indiscriminate and criminal and these people must be held to account. Instead, mainstream media is silent, so it's up to all of us to spread the word and make people more aware, we are our own media, support your favourite independent sources whoever that might be, they can’t get by without you.
For more on Joe Biden’s big fat con trick of a promise to slap an arms embargo on Israel when he won’t be around to have to deliver on it, get all the details in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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