Why YOU need to Prophesy / WWY L74

4 months ago

In the past few livestreams, WWY has focused on the Truth part of worshiping Yah/God in Spirit & Truth (John 4:24). This week we’ll balance it out with focus on the spiritual manifestation gift of prophesying.

Maybe as a believer you don’t think you can prophesy . . . or shouldn’t do it for whatever reason. Or that you don’t hold that position/authority. But that’s not what the Bible says. There are many good reasons as to why you should reconsider as you aim to invest in yourself (and others) and grow spiritually.

Many people in the world, even some church goers, are looking for answers outside of the Bible because they don’t see the need for Yeshua/Jesus. Or they don’t see any evidence of His supernatural power (and yes it’s more than just having an experience). Or they see a church that is being more influenced by the world than the other way around. Does that seem wrong to you?

Are you tired of living a boring traditions-of-men church life? Then maybe you should watch this livestream and learn about what Yah/God says as that was never the intention. What are you waiting for?

Here is what we’ll be discussing in this livestream:

--- Why should we be prophesying?
--- 1 Corinthians 12:10 Prophet vs Romans 12:6
--- 1 Corinthians 14 - Exhort, Edify, & Comfort - is it all nicey-nice?
--- Emptying Your vessel
--- Growing Your spiritual discernment
--- How do I prophesy?
--- Prophesying Dos and Don’ts
--- Needed for the tough times ahead?

Join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 7:30 pm EST on YouTube or Facebook. Please chat your questions and/or comments.

Do you dare live the adventures & have the victories the Bible says are your destiny?

Spiritual Minister & Biblical Advocate

Real People, Real Problems,
Biblical solutions . . . even Supernatural solutions
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