The Bloodline War #4 - What is it About Seth?

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• How long did Adam and Eve wait to have Seth?
• When did Adam die?
• Who did Seth marry? His twin sister?
• Was the 930 years that Seth lived a significant number?
• Who were Seth’s children?
• Who are Seth’s descendants?
• What was the benefit of a much longer lifespan before the flood?
• What is the back story of Enoch?
• Why Noah?
• What does the 120 mean?
• What about the animals who entered the Ark?
• What about Ham?

Seth was Adam and Eve’s 3rd son. He was made in the image and likeness of his father, Adam. This means that Seth was made in God’s image. Seth was GOOD SEED – he was God’s Seed! Seth’s genealogy is the pathway to Jesus – the redemption for all mankind.

Until we see Jesus, face to face, we must be intentional about spending TIME with the Lord. When we do, He will MANIFEST Himself to us in a big way! Enoch understood this and “secreted himself” away from everyone and everything for long periods of time just to seek God’s face. Enoch became a mighty man of God and was esteemed even as a King to those who wanted to sit at his feet and learn about God’s Wisdom.

The Bible says, “Enoch WAS. Then HE WAS NOT. Because GOD TOOK HIM.” Enoch was so close to God that his body could not physically die, instead, he was translated. The Secret Place that Psalm 91 talks about is that sweet spot of God’s presence that Enoch sought to dwell. It’s the nucleus of miracles and answered prayer.


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