Why Free Speech Is a Life Or Death Issue - It’s Time to Wake Up and Smell the Coffins

3 months ago

“It’s not vicious lies they are looking to censor.
It’s those vicious truths they’re worried about.”
– Swami Beyondananda

Last week I wrote a post suggesting that free speech censorship was the gravest existential threat to democracy. I was heartened by the positive response, although I found something very curious about the few pushback emails I got. Not one of them objected to any of my points about free speech, or even addressed them. All of the negative feedback boiled down to: “Donald Trump is worse!”

That’s the problem with “lesser evil-ism.” We accentuate and amplify the evil on the other side (in this week’s podcast you can view the contrast between what mainstream media said that Trump said and what he actually said), while refusing to acknowledge the lies and contradictions on our own side.

That’s how evil prevails.

So I want to try a thought experiment.

Imagine there’s no Donald Trump.

(Imagine there’s no Donald …
It’s easy if you try …
No red-hat wearing MAGA’s
The red team runs another guy …)

OK, OK. Enough of that. You get the idea.

Seriously, I want to take the topic of this post and elevate it out of “lesser evil land.”

So last week, I declared “free speech” an existential issue for democracy. I’ve spoken to people who’ve said, yes but it’s not a life-or-death survival issue like let’s say climate change or nuclear war.

Well, I say it is. And what really brought that home to me was a book released this week called The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity.

Like Daniel Ellsberg’s Pentagon Papers (https://www.npr.org/2023/06/16/1162158609/daniel-ellsberg-obituary-pentagon-papers) published more than 50 years ago that lifted the veils on the War in Vietnam, this new work – based on Pfizer’s own documents that were supposed to stay secret for 75 years – blows the whistle on what has to be one of the most toxic perpetrations in human history.

As soon as the Biden-Harris administration took office in 2021, just prior to the release of the COVID vaccines, they began a concerted campaign to de-platform any potential critics. They used a shadowy organization with the Orwellian name Center for Countering Digital Hate that identified the “Disinformation Dozen” (individuals that as I said in last week’s post were actually providing missing information intentionally left out of the official narrative).

What followed was a relentless propaganda campaign involving every show biz personality and media influencer they could find to promote the shot as “safe and effective.” We all remember the likes of Rachel Maddow assuring us that if we took the shot, we wouldn’t get the infection and couldn’t spread it to others.

It turns out they were wrong, and not only were they wrong, those running the campaign KNEW they were wrong before the shots were even available, based on the Pfizer trial documents the FDA was allowed to see, but the public wasn’t. As you will hear when you watch the Naomi Wolf interview with Del Bigtree (https://rumble.com/v5iclf9-dr.-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers.html), when FDA director Rochelle Walensky saw the report, there was a panicky call with other health officials and the result was a 17-page script to spread the REAL disinformation, the “safe and effective” story.

No one would know because the actual report was not to be released for 75 years.

But then a funny thing happened. A group of scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA under FOIA to force release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.

This document that was supposed to be “cryogenically frozen” until the end of the century, all of a sudden became available for all to see. And as Naomi Wolf will tell you in the interview (https://rumble.com/v5iclf9-dr.-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers.html) not only were there 1,200 deaths during the trials, but the shots severely compromised women’s reproductive capabilities, and did in fact cause blood clots and cardiovascular issues.

Please remember that all these injury reports were being made prior to the documents being released, and they came up against a wall of denial and de-platforming. (By the way, we aren’t even going to attempt to post this episode on YouTube – our assistant wrote, “I checked the content guidelines on YouTube and for sure this would get a content strike. They specifically mention most of what Naomi and Del are talking about as not allowed.”)

So …what’s wrong with this picture? Are you grateful you are being “protected” from this information?

Just as surely as the public wouldn’t have actually gotten the story behind the Vietnam War had the Pentagon Papers been suppressed, it’s only because of the courageous persistence of Del Bigtree’s organization and those scientists that we have access to this information.

Please watch our podcast, and go here (https://rumble.com/v5iclf9-dr.-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers.html) to go deeper into the details of how Naomi Wolf engaged thousands of credentialed scientists to vet the material and clarify what it means. The implications are dark indeed. Wolf emphasizes that even though COVID was a respiratory infection, there was very little about the shot’s efficacy in that regard – in fact, getting COVID was the third most common side-effect!

Instead there was great detail about damage to women’s reproductive systems, including disrupted menstrual cycles, calcification of the placenta, and pregnancies not coming to full term. She seems to conclude that the shots were designed intentionally to slow the birth rate. You’ll have to make up your own mind.

What’s most challenging about taking all this information in, is that most normal humans cannot fathom something this evil being done and would rather not believe it.

My wife Trudy was born in Germany and came to the US at the age of three. As a teenager, she returned to Germany to stay with relatives. She asked her aunts and uncles what they knew about the Holocaust. Everyone pretty much said the same thing. “We were told it was American propaganda, and frankly, it would have been too horrific to believe otherwise.”

William Shirer, author of the classic Rise And Fall of the Third Reich about Hitler’s Germany, wrote a previous book, Berlin Diaries, that he smuggled out of Germany on the eve of World War II. He reported that just as Hitler was about to invade Poland, every newspaper on every newsstand in Berlin bore the same headline: “Poland Prepares to Invade Germany.”

Now obviously there were people – plenty of people – who knew that was a lie.

But there was nowhere to speak that truth.

Nazi Germany … Not-See America …

Not exactly the same, but similar to the blaring headlines and messages 24/7 – “safe and effective” – and repressing anyone who said otherwise.

I take heart in two things.

First, 1965.

That was the year I was the first kid on my block to stand up against the Vietnam War, not a popular stance. My friend who joined army ROTC and was training to be a paratrooper was outraged. Yet, two years later he joined me marching against the war on Fifth Avenue.

What changed?

Teach-ins for one. More information giving a bigger picture emerged. Reports came back from returning soldiers. Public opinion shifted.

This one won’t be that easy, nor do we have two years. The Pentagon Papers were all over the news in 1971. The Pfizer Papers? You won’t see Naomi Wolf on CNN.

The other thing that heartens me is that we are indeed living in “apocalyptic” times, meaning the veils are being lifted from all kinds of toxic secrets. We humans – particularly those who see ourselves as “evolutionaries” and who truly seek a better world – must be able to gather enough love and coherence to metabolize those toxins.

Finally, at Front and Center, Michael Maxsenti and I have three guiding principles:

From political battlefields to cooperative playing fields.

Seeking the whole truth together.

Put the government on the side of the people.

We can’t count on any “leader” to do this for us. We – the people acting in coherent accord – are the leaders we’ve been waiting for.

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