What Are the Dangers of the Oral Polio Vaccine?

4 months ago

We’re told the oral polio vaccine is used because it’s convenience. It doesn’t need refrigeration and it is easy to administer, but what are the dangers.

The current oral polio vaccine is novel is it genetically modified, unlike any oral polio vaccine that has been given before. The hope is (not definitely) but hopefully it won’t result in the same disaster as previous oral polio vaccines have done. Previous versions have mutated and developed into something more serious. A ten year old boy ended up with a paralyzed limb as a result of vaccine derived polio virus from the vaccine and not the wild polio virus. There is also the danger of mutation in the gut and then spreading the vaccine derived polio to others.

Mama Bears urge all parents to please stop blindly trusting the medical establishment and research before you allow your child to be injected with anything. Please visit our website https://mamabearsproject.com/regular-vaccines/ to be directed to numerous sources of information so you can make an informed decision.

Thanks to Children’s Health Defense for the continuous information provided to ensure our children’s health is protected. You can get more information from CHD at https://childrenshealthdefense.org or the Canadian Chapter at https://childrenshealthdefense.ca

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