Whitney Webb about digital ID

4 months ago

"They have essentially said that this is the only way, this will be the only way to prove you of legal identity. And so if you don't participate in that system, as far as the state or the private sector is concerned, you don't exist. I think it's quite clear that the way to force onboarding of the CBDC or this type of digital currency system is going to be some sort of crisis, some sort of event. I think the immigration crisis, any sort of refugee situation, that's going to be used to push for digital IDs.
I think it's just a very easy excuse for them, a way for them to quickly manufacture consent because, you know, all these people, we don't know who they are. They could be criminals. They could be anybody. We have to know who everybody is. And it's going to be sold as a way to provide security to the insecurity created by the migrant crisis. So I think there's been growing awareness for some time that there's a lot of bipartisan consensus about most of the policies of the U.S. government, like endless war, for example and some people refer to it as the uniparty. But people also forget that too. And so what a lot of people call this, the two-party model, you know, people refer to it sometimes as the left-right paradigm. But I think not a lot of people truly understand how that paradigm works. If you think about it as the left hand and right hand of the establishment, you'll have one of those hands create a problem intentionally. And then the opposing hand comes in and offers the solution, but the solution was always what the establishment wanted but it's sold as a solution to a problem created by the other side. So it creates the illusion that the opposing force solved a problem, but in reality the problem was manufactured by one hand of the system, and then the solution was offered by the other hand. Now move on."

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