Biden's Denial of Weather Weapons Ignites Firestorm in Trump's New Rap Song "The Storm They Control"

3 days ago

Mar-a-Lago 10/17/24 -- Former President Trump has launched a new rap song titled "Weather Weapons: The Storm They Control," which directly challenges President Joe Biden's dismissal of weather manipulation technologies. The track features stark claims and sharp lyrics that delve into the controversy surrounding weather control—a subject recently brought to public attention by figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

"He who controls the weather will control the world." - Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962).

In his latest musical venture, Trump uses the song to question Biden's denial about the existence of weather weapons, suggesting, "Slow Joe denies we're gods, controlling the weather!" This lyric highlights the contrast between Biden’s dismissive stance and the serious claims of technological manipulation of weather events—from hurricanes to earthquakes—by government entities, possibly with foreign involvement.


Referencing historical incidents and contemporary claims, the song challenges listeners to question the naturalness of major weather events, suggesting a clandestine use of technology that could be shaping political landscapes and personal lives. Marjorie Taylor Greene is praised for her courage in exposing what she claims are targeted weather attacks on Republican-leaning areas.

The song also incorporates scientific commentary from a 2014 CBS This Morning interview with Dr. Michio Kaku, where he discussed the potential of lasers to manipulate weather patterns, adding a layer of scientific speculation to the controversial claims.

This release is bound to spark discussions and possibly controversy, as it touches on conspiracy theories that blend elements of truth with speculative science. With its bold claims and catchy beats, "Weather Weapons: The Storm They Control" is not just a song but a call to critically assess the world around us.

"Open your eyes to the skies, question what’s told," Trump raps in the song, inviting listeners to consider the possibilities of human influence over what many assume to be entirely natural phenomena.

The song is now available on major streaming platforms, accompanied by a compelling music video that visualizes the themes discussed in the lyrics. As the debate over climate control and technological capabilities continues, this song ensures that the conversation will reach into the corners of public and private discourse.

Lyrics - "Weather Weapons: The Storm They Control"

[Intro: Donald Trump]
"We've heard it all, folks, from rain dances to laser beams in the sky. But it's not just talk—Slow Joe denies it all, calling it a myth! Yet, MTG from Georgia stands up, claiming they're real and targeting Republicans with weather weapons!"

[Verse 1: Donald Trump]
"In '96, Fletcher made it clear, the tech was real and the proof was near.
Documents from China, secrets unveiled,
Storms on demand, power that hailed.
MTG stands firm, saying it's a fact,
Weather weapons targeting the red, not an act.
Laser beams skyward, seeding clouds with precision,
Changing the game, weather control—no fiction."

[Chorus 1]
"Manipulate the skies, control the storm's roar,
Weather weapons hidden, secrets galore.
From hurricanes to tornadoes, and even earthquakes,
They play their part, make no mistakes.
MTG cries foul, claims they aim at the heart,
Of those who dissent, right from the start."

[Verse 2: Donald Trump]
"Back in the day, the CIA played with rain,
In Vietnam, monsoons were part of the game.
Kaku said it clear, science not just for show,
Lasers in the clouds, make the weather blow.
From Olympic skies clear to storms redirected,
Secret wars fought, public never suspected.
MTG's warning, listen to her call,
Weather's not just weather, it's a power to enthrall."

[Bridge: Donald Trump]
"Open your eyes, see the truth unfold,
Weather weapons, a tale bold yet told.
MTG speaks out, no fear in her voice,
Calls out the lies, gives the people a choice.
Wake up, stand up, question the skies,
What's really natural, and what's a disguise?"

[Final Chorus]
Open your eyes to the skies, question what’s told,
Weather is the stage, the powers behold."

Song Credits:

Lyrics: AI Rik, ChatGPT
Performed by: DJ 'T' (A.I. Trump)
Beat: "Moneygrab" by SoundsCrate
Release Date: October 16, 2024

Congressional Hearing Intro:

Senator Herbert Kohl: "In an interview with the Los Angeles Times on April 21st, you told the Associated Press that the American government has created weather tampering techniques so that the New World Order will be able to starve millions of Americans and control the rest. Could you explain what you were trying to say?"

Robert Fletcher: "What I was trying to say is exactly what I stated. We have weather control techniques. We have a complete package on that which I did not bring today but I will ensure that it is included in the record. This includes the entire patents on the equipment, and Senator Claiborne Pell's complete statement and his assertion that not only does it exist, but that it was even utilized as far back as the Vietnam War. You might want to touch base with that."

Senator Herbert Kohl: "I just want to reiterate that you are indeed hearing correctly: the government has created weather tampering techniques so that the 'New World Order' can starve millions of Americans and control the rest."

Robert Fletcher: "Yes, sir, and that’s my belief. As bizarre as that sounds, if someone had told me that this equipment even existed ten years ago, I would have thought they were nuts, sir. At this point in time, we have all the documents to prove it. If you think that 85 tornadoes occurring simultaneously in our agricultural heartland is just an accident, I’m sorry to say, with the equipment that's already set up internationally—and as bizarre as it is—it is proven and documented. We will supply you with those documents. As bizarre as it is, I would say that weather wars are the greatest weapon ever created in the world, and that’s quoting Senator Claiborne Pell himself. Yes, I do stand on that. Thank you, Mr. Chairman."

Senator Herbert Kohl: "Thank you, Mr. Fletcher. Thank you very much."


News Outro:

CNN Reporter Erin Burnett: "And it's concerning when Alex Jones is heralding the revival of an old conspiracy theory. Until this week, it was largely confined to fringe areas of the internet, but now it's also being pushed by members of Congress."

Robert Fletcher testifying before Congress, 1995: "We have all the documents to prove it. If you think that 85 tornadoes occurring simultaneously in our agricultural heartland is natural, you're mistaken. This is international weather equipment authorities at work, and as bizarre as it is, it is proven and documented. We will supply you with these documents. Weather wars are a reality, as Senator Claiborne Pell himself said. They are the greatest weapon ever created in the world."

CNN Reporter Erin Burnett: "The theory alleges that the government controls the weather by releasing toxic chemicals from planes, which some people claim are chemtrails. However, those trails are just water vapor. This theory has long been debunked."

CIA Director John Brennan at a CFR speech, 2016: "One method involves seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, much in the same way volcanic eruptions do."

CNN Pundit: "I've spent a lot of time this week talking to actual weather and climate scientists who attempt this sort of thing. They've said steering a hurricane or anything similar is just impossible."

Dr. Michio Kaku on CBS This Morning, 2013: "Lasers really to change the weather? Yes, we physicists are firing trillions of watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and bring down lightning bolts."

CBS Reporter: "I remember stories about China using this technology during the Olympics and the USSR using it after Chernobyl to create rain clouds."

Dr. Michio Kaku: "The CIA used this technology to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam War to wash out the Viet Cong. Today, we're using trillion-watt lasers for everything from floods to agriculture, you name it—outdoor events, farming, flooding, and even hurricanes can all be subjects of weather modification."

CNN Reporter Erin Burnett: "Incredibly interesting, Professor Michio Kaku."

Alex Jones: "We're seeing an explosive awakening to this in the last few years, and it's really at a crescendo now."

William Shatner hosting 'The Unexplained': "Claimed architect and eventual designer of the St. Louis arch, Eero Saarinen, was secretly commissioned by the United States military to work for a new clandestine organization, the CIA."

Travis Taylor, PhD: "The fact that Eero Saarinen was in the OSS designing weapon systems during World War II, and at a time when the OSS was exploring ways to weaponize weather, makes this connection to the design of the St. Louis Arch extremely interesting."

Mike Bara, Author: "Controlling the weather is the ultimate superweapon, even more powerful than the atomic bomb."

CNN Pundit: "When it comes to the chemtrail conspiracy theory, I think it's up there with flat-earthers. There are still people who believe the Earth is flat. It's one of those really ridiculous conspiracy theories."

CIA Director John Brennan at a CFR speech, 2016: "Referred to collectively as geoengineering."

Robert Fletcher testifying before Congress, 1995: "As bizarre as it is, I would assert that weather wars are the greatest weapon ever created in the world, and that's from Senator Claiborne Pell's own statement."

President Trump interrupting a reporter during a White House press conference: "Thank you for telling me that. See, there’s the typical fake news deal."

CNN Pundit: "Or were able to steer hurricanes in some way to Trump-supporting districts in the country."

LBJ as VP, 1962 speech: "It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather; and he who controls the weather will control the world." - Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962).


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Featuring A.I. Trump as DJ 'T', Hard-hitting lyrics, that’s the key.

Pressing issues, we address'em all, politics and music, we stand tall.

Join the movement, feel the vibe, – where truth and rhythm collide!

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