What Is Christian Palestinianism? (Part 5) with Paul Wilkinson

3 months ago

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My guest for this series is Paul Wilkinson, the author of Understanding Christian Zionism, and the DVD titled Christian Palestinianism. If you’ve just joined us in this series, this is program #5 in which we’ve been evaluating an interview between Hank Hanegraaff and Gary Burge, the author of Whose Land? Whose Promise? What Christians Are Not Being Told about Israel and the Palestinians. Burge is also featured in the DVD documentary With God on Our Side. Since Hanegraaff’s program is titled the Bible Answer Man, and what he says implies that he’s teaching what the Bible teaches and influencing multitudes of listeners in the process, we felt what he and Burge have presented does indeed need to be challenged to see if they are speaking according to the Scriptures. We pick up with Hank Hanegraaff speaking.

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