Red October alert

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Red October alert

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
8th of October 2024 03.06

Red October, My children stay awake and alert for the things that will happen quickly and I Am accelerating the time.

This is the month of great shakings and turnarounds for My children who have been asking for settlement and wealth.

Red alert! I Am shaking all that can be shaken.
Great embarrassment will come to many political leaders in Denmark and other countries.

Why do you tremble? Why are you raging against Me? Says The Lord of all the Earth and the Heavens.

I have seen the portals for what the Governments has been trying to open up for the demons to enter through Cern with sacrifices from the blood of the innocents. I say you came too early. It is not the time for Antichrist.

My Angel Armies are in their positions and your adversaries are no match for Me, says the Lord of Host.

Pray and be watchful as the watchmen on the wall.

The weather is unusual, the time is unusual. Take head of My words, My warnings.

Suddenlies are coming. Surprises are coming on both sides.

Bad surprises for the wicked and divine and glorious blessings and surprises for My children.

Choose wisely in this hour of where you stand. You can't serve two masters. You either love Me or hate Me, says the Lord of Host.
Ephesians 6:18
Matthew 24:7
Psalm 2:3
Matthew 6:24

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