3 months ago

Many in the Church are still sleeping (in ignorance), because they do not know where we are in the order of things.
When we understand the times and seasons we are in— it will impact on us the heart posture of preparation.

Some people don't believe in Rapture; they say the only time Christ will come is at His Second Coming, and that He had already come first while on the earth. Also, there usually is a mixup in the interpretation when some people read in the Bible: 'The End of Age' and 'The Day of The Lord'.

Light is shone; knowledge is made available as the Holy Spirit guides and empowers us with revelation in the speaking of Jesus, as we delve deep into the Book of Matthew 24 which touches on five key areas as spoken of by our Lord and Saviour— Jesus, as we prepare for the events that are unfolding.

Here, we journey in the Spirit in discovering and discerning prophesies spoken and how it applies to us in our world of today.


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